(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Skyblade Eagle transmits: 'Hey Repliforce. What's up?'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Colonel transmits: 'Repliforce Computer: I'm a little coffee pot, short and stout..'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Iris transmits: 'Hi Skyblade.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Flare Feline transmits: 'Flare Feline reporting for duty... I assume the computer is still... affected.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Whirlpool Lobster transmits: 'This is Whirlpool, just reporting my on-duty status.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Colonel transmits: 'RF Comp: Here is my handle, here is my spout. When I get all perked up, here me spout, tip me over, and watch Anthem fill out.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Flare Feline transmits: 'Yeah, I guess that answers that.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Plasma Wolf transmits: 'Plasma Wolf here... reporting in.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Colonel transmits: 'Iris: *recording* Command Major Anthem, due to the Repliforce mainframe becoming unstable, I am unable to complete the project I was working on. Uhm, anyway, the training room is done with some modifications.. you need to assemble all the Repliforcers you can get in Colonel's London office, and I can link them to the training room there, so we can find the bug in the Repliforce computer, and get rid of it. Ok?'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Colonel transmits: 'Iris recording: Anyway, once you are there, you will find a command sequence on Colonel's computer. Enter it, and you will enter the system through a gateway I forced open. Uhm.. good luck.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Ten transmits: 'I just came online. What's going on?'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Anthem transmits: 'You heard the lady! I want a small team of volunteers to Colonel's office in London *ASAP*.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Plasma Wolf transmits: 'I'll volunteer, Anthem.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Ten transmits: 'I repeat, I just came online. Can somebody please tell me what's going on?'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Flare Feline transmits: 'I'll get there right away.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Whirlpool Lobster transmits: 'Count me in!'.
Plasma Wolf nods, "Yeah... I'm going to find out about it."
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Anthem transmits: 'Explinations there, just get goin'.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Skyblade Eagle transmits: 'On myway.'.
Recreation Room - RHQ

Yet another spacious room takes up a portion of this floor, although a much smaller portion compared to the barracks; this room serves as a source of recreation for the troops that have to remain on standby and can't be allowed to run off into the City for fun and games -- and it could easily serve such a means. Numerous sofas and armchairs have been arranged for easy use; for talking, or for viewing movies or the one of the thousands of channels out there on cable on the wide-screen TV that takes up a good portion of the far wall. Two pool tables and an arcade area take up yet another section of the room; strange, it almost always seems to be quite occupied.

Whirlpool Lobster [RF]
Broadcast's Big Comfy Couch <BCC>
Life-Size Plush Anthem
Pool Table [#4604 OV]

Obvious exits:
<S2H> leads to Level 2 Hallway.
You enter the Level 2 Hallway.
Level 2 Hallway

Like the Hallway below it, the Level 2 Hallway is nothing spectacular. A wide passageway to get where you need, there is a moving walkway to one side, smooth metallic floors to the other. This level has glowing yellow neon tubes down the side, even with the doorways tips.

Obvious exits:
<OQ> leads to Officer's Quarters - RHQ.
<RR> leads to Recreation Room - RHQ.
<BF> leads to Barracks Floor - RHQ.
<TL> leads to Turbolift - RHQ.
You enter the Turbolift - RHQ.
Turbolift - RHQ

This is infact just one of several wide Turbolifts in RHQ. Each one is identical, serving to transport rapidly multiple people. The turbolift is a wide rectangle with smooth metal floors, similar walls, and a sliding golden door with the Repliforce logo on it. To the side of the door is a control panel, where riders designate their desired stops.

Obvious exits:
<S2> leads to Sub-Level 2 Hallway.
<S1> leads to Sub-Level 1 Hallway.
<L3> leads to Level 3 Hallway.
<L2> leads to Level 2 Hallway.
<L1> leads to Level 1 Hallway - RHQ.
You enter the Sub-Level 2 Hallway.
Sub-Level 2 Hallway

The Sub-Level 2 Hallway is exactly like the Sub-Level 1 Hallway. Its long and wide, with a high ceiling. The walls are metallic, just like the floor. Other then that, there's nothing but doors and glowing yellow lights on the ceiling.

Plasma Wolf [RF]

Obvious exits:
Southeast <SE> leads to Teleport Chamber--Repliforce Base.
<TF> leads to Training Facility - RHQ.
<HB> leads to Hangar Bay - RHQ.
<DC> leads to Detention Center - RHQ.
<TL> leads to Turbolift - RHQ.
You enter the Teleport Chamber--Repliforce Base.
Teleport Chamber--Repliforce Base

Rows of tall teleportation capsules line the walls, each clearly labeled with a detination. A few are labeled 'Custom Location' instead of with a city name.

Type 'tel/list' to see a list of destinations and 'tel <location>' to activate the teleporters.

Ten [RF]

Obvious exits:
Out <O> leads to Sub-Level 2 Hallway.
Plasma Wolf arrives from the Sub-Level 2 Hallway.
Plasma Wolf has arrived.
Ten enters the Sub-Level 2 Hallway.
Ten has left.
Plasma Wolf disappears in a flash of energy.
Plasma Wolf has left.
Whirlpool Lobster arrives from the Sub-Level 2 Hallway.
Whirlpool Lobster has arrived.
Whirlpool Lobster disappears in a flash of energy.
Whirlpool Lobster has left.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Jet Stingray transmits: 'I'm so there.'.
Flare Feline disappears in a flash of energy.
Teleportation Chamber--RHQ London

Teleportation chamber upon teleportation chamber, upon teleportation chamber. There's plenty of tubes here, all leading to various locations around the world, ready for single or mass transport.

Obvious exits:
North <N> leads to Second Sub-Level Hallway - RHQ London.
Flare Feline appears in a flash of energy.
You enter the Second Sub-Level Hallway - RHQ London.
Second Sub-Level Hallway - RHQ London

Your standard hallway, metal plating everywhere, large enough to hold even the General with relative ease. The hallway itself is more of a crossing than anything else, split down the middle to lead in all four directions.

Obvious exits:
North <N> leads to Medical Bay - RHQ London.
East <E> leads to Elevator - RHQ London.
South <S> leads to Teleportation Chamber--RHQ London.
West <W> leads to Detention Center - RHQ London.
You enter the Elevator - RHQ London.
Elevator - RHQ London

Several turbo-lifts are put into service here, large enough to fit anyone the Repliforce has to offer! They go to each floor, but you better have the security clearance for it, otherwise the elevator won't move!

Obvious exits:
<H4> leads to Rooftop Hangar Bay - RHQ London.
<H3> leads to Command Floor - RHQ London.
<H2> leads to Second Floor Hallway - RHQ London.
<H1> leads to Ground Floor Hallway - RHQ London.
<S1> leads to Sub-Level Hallway - RHQ London.
<S2> leads to Second Sub-Level Hallway - RHQ London.
You enter the Command Floor - RHQ London.
Command Floor - RHQ London

The heart and the mind of this black monolith, the command floor is an integral and most heavily guarded section of the base itself. Here are where the commands are made. Here are where the decisions are put into effect, the course of the Repliforce plotted, the protection of the world from the forces of evil steered. This.. is the Command Floor of Repliforce Headquarters, a buzzing hive of activity that rarely, if ever, ceases, people crawling and running to and fro, seeing to the operation of this world-wide organisation for defense. This is the mind, and as expected, it is very, very active. There's a platform off to the side of the General to stand upon and observe, if he so desires, a platform that's usually left alone.

Obvious exits:
East <E> leads to Elevator - RHQ London.
South <S> leads to War Room - RHQ London.
West <W> leads to Command Chamber - RHQ London.
You enter the Command Chamber - RHQ London.
Command Chamber - RHQ London

While the Floor outside is a more hectic area, this.. is a little different. An enclosed room, with doors that can easily be sealed for privacy and security, this is where the 'office' of the General and the Colonel is located, so to speak, a series of desks around the room serving for the actual desks of the various division heads also.

Obvious exits:
CO's Office <CO> leads to Colonel's Office - London.
Side Doors <SD> leads to War Room - RHQ London.
East <E> leads to Command Floor - RHQ London.
You enter the Colonel's Office - London.
Colonel's Office - London

This large office is the current home away from home for Colonel. There are a couple of large, at home and feel at ease chairs, and a small table in the center of the room for visiting guests or dignitaries, or soldiers reporting in. Set in front of the large bay window that overlooks Hudson Bay is a mahogany desk, complete with a computer terminal and a name plaque that reads Colonel. There are very few pictures in here, mostly of Iris. The whole office has a comforting feel to it, purposely set to make sure visitors are at home and feel at ease, meaning it was probably in place before Colonel ever moved in.

Jet Stingray [RF]
Whirlpool Lobster [RF]
Plasma Wolf [RF]
Anthem [Uniform] [RF]
Skyblade Eagle [RF]

Obvious exits:
Out <O> leads to Command Chamber - RHQ London.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Ten transmits: 'Well,whatever you're doing, I'd beter sit this one out. I still have a slight limp from my battle with Pirate Man last night.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Anthem transmits: 'Right, Ten. Hold down the fort while we're.... uh, distracted.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Ten transmits: 'Good luck to all of you. For Repliforce!'.
Anthem utterly ignores the various saluting and greetings that she gets. "Brace yourselves, this one's gonna be a trick and a half." She drops behind the desk, shoving the very unconcious form of Colonel out of the way rather rudely. "Stupid freakin'... Iris, why'd you have to go and get yourself jammed in there?"
Flare Feline doesn't know what he's volunteering for, but he arrives nevertheless
Whirlpool Lobster doesn't really know what's happening, but it's better than sitting around all day.
Skyblade Eagle holds on, already knowing what's up...No trenchcoat for her...But she -does- have on the sunglasses..
Plasma Wolf puts his hands on the desk and leans over, "What's the plan, Anthem? We do have one... right?"
Jet Stingray comes in running, still having the names of those fallen from the Battle of Repliforce Island on him. He shrugs to last words Anthem's words, even though it's not directed to him. "Well, all I have to say is that this /has/ to be done right... Iris was telling me if going in or coming out gets screwed up, we all get to be like Data Racoon."
Anthem grunts, nudging Colonel's body into Decibel's. Odd, that, since there seems to be a small pile of unconcious Repliforce officers on the floor. "Plan? Frig the plan, it's hit the fan hard. About two days ago, Cyber Peacock busted into our mainframe. Colonel's been mentally stuck in there, playing Axis & Allies - and the fun part is that the peacock altered things so that the enemy 'targets' are actually parts of RHQ's own computer network, so Colonel's been destroying our systems for Cyber." She thumps the terminal a couple of times to make it work. It doesn't. "Iris has been trying to bust him out... and apperantly Decibel tried to help. Now they're stuck, too. So we're the cavalry."
Plasma Wolf blinks a bit, turning to Jet, "Data Raccoon? Er... I take it something bad happened to him."
Whirlpool Lobster takes in this new info. "That's encouraging."
Flare Feline blinks "Wow... that's bizzare. Well, I don't know what kind of cavalry we could be, but we'll do whatever we can to get them out."
Anthem pauses, and then addresses Jet's comment. "Yeah, that too. This *is* effectively real. 'Die', and you end up like Data Raccoon did - a mindless vegatable with all your synapses deep-fried. Which is why we didn't just unplug this thing in the first place."
Broadcast Ocelot arrives from the Command Chamber - RHQ London.
Broadcast Ocelot has arrived.
Broadcast Ocelot stalks into the area, tail swishing from side to side.
Plasma Wolf turns back to face Anthem, "I'm all for going... I don't care what dangers I have to fight through. We have to get the Colonel out... and teach that bird-brained peacock a lesson."
The computer makes a foul noise back at Anthem for the hit.
Broadcast Ocelot has always been here. Really. Just in the background. Keeping quiet for now.
"/Her/ Plasma... A Mav, that got taken down by Iris..." Jet Stingray takes in the second part of Anthem's words again. "We are saving Colonel /and/ Iris..." This makes for a /smug/ stingray. (Too bad if I brought up me saving the two of them, COlonel would gut me...) Oo. With that, Jet punches his readies himself for some combat in the way geeks dream of.
Skyblade Eagle nods, "No kidding. It's worth the risk. Besides, Bass, Sigma, Storm Eagle, Neon Tiger...None of them have been able to kill me. What's Cyber gonna do?"
Anthem swears, and kicks the terminal. "Broadcast, make this dang thing work already. I'm clueless." She steps out of the way - over Sonata's body - and crosses her arms. "I have *no* idea what's in there to handle, or what we're going into. I don't even have a dang clue how we're gonna help, but Iris thought it'd be good. So let's, uh... crap, just get on with it."
Flare Feline is uneasy on hearing all the 'vegetable' talk, but it's for the Colonel, and Iris, and that other guy he never met yet, but he is sure is just as imortant "Alright, let's go in and save 'em!"
Whirlpool Lobster says, "I'm all for that. I say we get going."
Skyblade Eagle hmms, "So, what do we need, besides a miracle?"
Broadcast Ocelot hrms and looks up, "Yes ma'am." He then pads over to the terminal and starts working on it. He basically knows what he's doing since Iris told him what they intended to do the other day.
Jet Stingray nods. "Don't know /what/ we are fighting, /who/ exactly other than Cyber and Sonic we are fighting, and we don't know what we are up against... But we are expected to save everyone and kick aft?" With that bleak thought in mind, Jet Stingray offers a thumbs up to his... Err... Templar's men, the Marines. "Dudes, this /so/ sounds like what we do on a regular basis." .oO(Don't tell the grunts anything... Just like when I joined the force.)
Broadcast Ocelot then says while he works, "Well, ah go tell allyuh this. Ah not 'bout this time, but de other two times ah went in, de scene was almost de same. Someting from one a dem old wars from de 20th Century. World War II ah tink."
Plasma Wolf grins, "Sounds like we're getting a history lesson during this little battle run."
Skyblade Eagle hmms, "You know...We're gonna probably look a little out of place.."
Broadcast Ocelot shakes his head, "Nah, more than likely our digital selves will change tuh match de scene. Well, da's what did happen last time."
Skyblade Eagle hmms, "Wha? So you mean we'll look human?"
Flare Feline eyes widen a bit "Change? Change ...how?"
Plasma Wolf thinks for a bit, "Well... if it's some kind of virtual world... any kind of change is possible."
Jet Stingray nods slowly. "I remember her saying that... And she said what Broadcast did... Though we might actually have Colonel /against/ us unless Iris has this thing working like planned it too."
Whirlpool Lobster blinks. "That... Would be bad."
Broadcast Ocelot attempts a shrug while working on the finishing touches of the terminal or whatever, "Ah not sure exactly. All ah know is dat tuh Colonel, we go look like Axis soldiers. An' we ourselves gonna end up bein' actually wearin' de uniforms to fit."
Flare Feline ulps "The Colonel.. against us?" Flare has a brief flashback to when Templar jokingly said one time that he would have to fight the Colonel and General tied down
Skyblade Eagle hmms, "Well, what about weapons, then?" She asks, "Cause, if we change, most of our weaposn won't be, well...Built in."
Plasma Wolf blinks a bit, "Damn... that would make it hard."
Anthem is, meanwhile, apperantly preparing herself mentally to do something extremely stupid - namely take on Cyber Peacock in a virtual world without a clue about what's happening.
You say, "Couldn't we just... tell him who we really are when we arrive?"
Skyblade Eagle hmms, "For some reason, I doubt it's that simple.."
Plasma Wolf nods in silent agreement.
Jet Stingray narrows his optics for a moment. Iris said that she was working on a way to have Colonel see them has they were, but if that doesn't work... He shakes the thought aside. Looking to Flare, he says, "Don't worry about it... This is going to be one of those, 'Listen to the person that knows what he's talking about and follow orders' gigs." With that, he points to Broadcast to let him explain as he shuts himself up.
Broadcast Ocelot shrugs at Skyblade, "Like ah said. Tuh de Colonel we gonna look like Axis soldiers. So a figure dat no matter which of our weapons we use, it go look like we shootin' at him with conventional weapons. An' nah, it eh go work, Flare. Iris tried. He'll jus' tink it's some kinda enemy trick."
Flare Feline shrugs on hearing Jet's and Broadcast's answers "Well that's just dandy. So when do we plan to get started on this mission?"
[OOC] Colonel says, "Guys, hate to do this, but Cyber's foot is really screwed, she's sick, and we can't tage down a reliable Midi and Techno, I hate to do this, but I think we're sticking with the rain out til Sunday."
Plasma Wolf looks around to the others, "Well? Let's get going, guys."
Broadcast Ocelot finishes up, "Aight. Whenever allyuh ready."

--------------------Read this------------------------------------------
Ok, well here's what happened. As you see with the OOC message I left above, what we were doing Friday night was postponed till Sunday, so on Sunday we just picked up where we left off. Unfortunatly Jet wasn't there for the event, so now he just... sort of dissappears :) So... just ignore it if characters suddenly are there, or are missing.

(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Anthem transmits: 'I need a volunteer.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Skyblade Eagle transmits: 'Yeah?'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Hurricane Hawk transmits: 'yes?'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Skyblade Eagle transmits: 'I'm here Anthem, what do you need?'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Anthem transmits: 'Not you, Skyblade.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Hurricane Hawk transmits: 'Anthem?'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Anthem transmits: 'Hurricane, switch on the secure frequency for your mission assignment.'.
Anthem receives a radio transmission.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Anthem transmits: 'Hurricane, several of us are about to enter the computer mainframe and try to drive out Cyber Peacock from the system. At the moment, there are several others, including Colonel, Iris, Sonata and Decibel that are apperantly trapped in there. You are to monitor us and, if we should fail in our mission, you are to immediately crash the entire Repliforce computer system. This will result in all of us getting toasted, but you'll get Cyber Peacock and minimize damage to the rest of the computer systems. Good luck, and don't let me down.'.
Anthem receives a radio transmission.
Anthem receives a radio transmission.
Skyblade Eagle sends a radio transmission.
Skyblade Eagle receives a radio transmission.
Anthem sends a radio transmission.
Anthem receives a radio transmission from Hurricane Hawk.
Hurricane Hawk arrives from the Command Chamber - RHQ London.
Hurricane Hawk has arrived.
Phoebus arrives from the Command Chamber - RHQ London.
Phoebus has arrived.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'Seeing as Light is being -most- stubborn and I am a reasonable man, I am opening up the field. Anyone else with...skill in reploid neural systems, please state your name.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'God.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Norman Cassidy transmits: 'Cassidy.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dark Necrobat transmits: 'No sir, you're only a god to us.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'Doppler, my I had thought that particular madman had died after he failed to take the bridge from me.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'Cassidy? Hrm, state your accomplishments.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Reason transmits: 'And you are all that which matters, my children.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Reason transmits: 'Mis.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Reason transmits: '...OOC: Misradio. That was Doppler. :P'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Siege T-Rex transmits: 'Hey, someone's looking for someone with neural net experience?'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'Indeed I am.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Norman Cassidy transmits: 'Finding out exactly what to do in order to bring reploids to a near primal show of force toward myself or inanimate objects near me, should they have poor aim.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'Applicants must enjoy musical stylings of Beethoven and long walks on the beach.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'Hmph. You are an insult to the field, DeVry. You disgust me.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'I am pleased to disgust you, traitor. You're a kennel keeper gone to the dogs, Doppler.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'Interesting, Cassidy but...that was not quite what I meant.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'Kennel keeper gone to the dogs? Correction. I one of two shepards, leading his sheep.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'Sheep? How appropriate for that legion of brainless automata you cart around.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psyche transmits: 'The Mavericks? Sheep? Somehow, I like that.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Jared Kintane transmits: 'Hm. Least his is a more interestin debate than the usual crap. Founding father of Reploid tech, versus one of the founding fathers of Cyborg Tech. For once, something that doesn't rot my brain.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'I am just as much a parent of cybernetics as any field, as you are aware, DeVry.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Norman Cassidy transmits: 'Just wait a few minutes, kid. They'll start rotting your brain in a few more phrases and idiotic witticisms.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'I predate you, your work, meager it may be...is built on my accomplishments. And I did not throw away my body for some fool philosophy.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'Of course you did.'.
[OOC] Anthem says, "Hurri, just check their webpage. :>"
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'Simply a different fool philosophy.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'Oh, is that correct? Hmph. If you were such a master of cybernetics, I suspect you would have constructed a less...repulsive, bulky, and useless form.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dark Necrobat transmits: 'No, you threw it away for your foolish dream.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Norman Cassidy transmits: 'Of course not, DeVry, you threw it away for /THE/ fool philosophy.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'Whereas I have constructed my wings, to ascend fully onto the level of my children - Mind /and/ body.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Siege T-Rex transmits: 'I swear, you're both idiots. Doppler and DeVry.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'One to talk, there.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Norman Cassidy transmits: 'I'd mock you Doppler, but, it'd be a waste of time and energy.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'Given the time at which I constructed it, Doppler it was wonder. Then again, I find it amazing you chose to keep that face of yours. And I see you have ascended to the level of the machines in mind and body...a stench of garbage which corrupts the airwaves'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'Well, Maverick Hunter... I created you, you realize? You are just one of my many children...And one of the painfully large group of black sheep. Come, stand with those who have beautiful white coats...'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'In the insane asylum?'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'No, DeVry. In Elysium.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'Do not nurses and doctors wear the same as the asylum?'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Siege T-Rex transmits: 'You know, I like black, Doppler. I think I'd rather keep this one. If you want, though, I have a large grouping of high explosive rockets you could have in my place, however.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'You will see the light, eventually...Or you will be one of the unfortunate children sacrificed for the greater good. And DeVry - I would not speak. My accomplishments are plainly superior to yours.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'Pah! A society of defective fools! Doppler you have created a race of slaves who refuse their place, machines who have no function...and your creations are based off of -Light's- work who are based off of -mine- and countless others.'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Colonel transmits: 'RF Computer: As Cyber is forced to mutlitask, the portal that was locked, suddenly opens, and the computer in Colonel's office reads: Access Permitted. OOC: This will get you in, no further. For now.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'Do not humans serve no purpose? And my children are unique, each and every one. They are More Human Than Human...That is what makes them utterly superior to Light's pathetic creations.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'Speak not, there. What are humans? A society of defective fools, a race of slaves who refuse their place, machines who have no function, based off of Homo Erectus who are based off of God knows what primates.'.
Hurricane Hawk has probably, by now, walked in and is sitting at a monitor station.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'Your children are base machines, no more valuable then a toaster oven. And if they are superior then why is it that Light and Wily's creations have foiled your whining brat of a savior at every turn?'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Siege T-Rex transmits: 'Hey! I'm a lot better than a toaster oven. I mean, a toaster oven couldn't kick your ass, DeVry.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'The blasted things nearly resulted in a loss of my sanity.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'Insulting me is one thing, DeVry, but /never/ speak of my son. And if my children are so useless...Then why is it that they are they prevalent machine race on this world?'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'And truly, DeVry, do not blame me and mine for your lack of sanity.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'Because they are easy for lazy people to produce. Wily's androids are an obviously superior line, strange behavior aside....SON?! *laughter* You claim kinship with that babbling conglomeration of parts?! That hillariously over-stressed demagogue who wants to bring a race from bondage that isn't even in it to begin with?!'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Siege T-Rex transmits: 'Hey, DeVry, once again, you're wrong. I mean, I've beaten down a bunch of that crackpot Wily's creations.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'Pah. Wily and his creations...Disgusting. Even more inferior than Light's virtually worthless tin.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Snake Man transmits: 'I notissced you had a bit tougher time with Basss, didn't you hmm?'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Siege T-Rex transmits: 'Bass got lucky. Besides, I had to help out my buddies.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'Bass is a wonder of design. And do I detect some jealousy in that voice, Doppler?'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Snake Man transmits: 'Lessst I remind you of your ignoble defeat'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'Sigma is just as powerful if not superior to that fin-headed mongrel. And need I remind you of my unelightened child, General?'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Snake Man transmits: 'You were nearly defeated by Bass's dog.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Siege T-Rex transmits: 'Pfft. I blew the hell out of that mutt.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Snake Man transmits: 'After which he blew the hell out of you, asss I recall'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'General is a fool....such heroics are best left to children. Sigma is inferior by trait of his defectiveness. A design for the protection of humanity who has fallen so far out of line. He is a rabid animal, you should have shot him long ago, you blow-hard.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'I fail to believe you even claim membership of the human race. Though you are certainly no Reploid, I believe the mangled form you inhabit is different enough from reasonably normal human forms to be called something else.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'We have made sacrifices. I wonder Doppler, does it bother you sometimes, when you think that I...a true human, am more machine then you?'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'You feeble, mindless, talentless, traitor.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Snake Man transmits: 'I hate to admit it, but DeVry ssseemsss to be winning the insssult contessst ssso far.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'Feeble? Mindless? Talentless? If you think I am feeble, come. Test your body against my own. Mindless? Look at my past. I overpower you in every aspect. Talentless? Tell me, DeVry, if I am talentless...Have /you/ been able to decode my silent little wisdom...'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'I have already bested your body, odd oh wonderous of scientists that a body built with modern machinery fell prey to a mechanism even -I- feel is obsolete!'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Snake Man transmits: 'Your wisssdom isss ssso sssilent no one elssse can hear it, Doppler'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'And I will learn the way of your machine mind in time, Doppler. And I shall surpass it, and use your reploid children to make humanity into gods!'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'You have no vision, Doppler. Only a universe in which you yourself are nothing. You desire your own death, if that is what you wish then it can be -easily- given to you.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'Then come. Prove your greatness once more. And DeVry, you are a fool. You accuse me of building on other's works, and yet you seek out information on the Reploidd Neural Net from others, becoming angered when they refuse to give it to you? Hypocrite. Fool.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'I make no delusions of my own scientific grandeur. What is past is past. I look to the future, but it irks me to see an upstart such as you commericializing my designs.'.
Anthem nods once to Hurricane, and... "Another day, another blatantly suicidal mission to save the world. I swear, I need a new job. Let's go, people!"
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'Tell me Sigmund, did you get your Doctorate in science or in -marketing-'.
Hurricane Hawk nods, "Good luck to you all, don't make me have to fulfill my... other task alright?"
Whirlpool Lobster nods. "We'll succeed. I'm sure we will."
Skyblade Eagle nods, "Alright. You heard Anthem, let's move out."
Flare Feline is among the others, looking determined, yet somewhat nervous about this mission "Alright, let's head in."
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'My education covers a vast many fields. More than yours, I guarantee.'.
Anthem enters the Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945.
Anthem has left.
Colonel's Office - London

This large office is the current home away from home for Colonel. There are a couple of large, at home and feel at ease chairs, and a small table in the center of the room for visiting guests or dignitaries, or soldiers reporting in. Set in front of the large bay window that overlooks Hudson Bay is a mahogany desk, complete with a computer terminal and a name plaque that reads Colonel. There are very few pictures in here, mostly of Iris. The whole office has a comforting feel to it, purposely set to make sure visitors are at home and feel at ease, meaning it was probably in place before Colonel ever moved in.

Phoebus [RF]
Hurricane Hawk [RF]
Whirlpool Lobster [RF]
Skyblade Eagle [RF]

Obvious exits:
Out <O> leads to Command Chamber - RHQ London.
You enter the Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945.
Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945

The transition from night to day is subtle, almost unnoticed by those that are the stunned survivors of this once proud city. There are no birds chirping, no animals scurrying about to announce a new day has started. The only difference was a slow, torturous, change from the cold oppressive darkness of night to a leaden gray sky that brings no warmth, no hope to those people who huddle in the corners of shelters. Even the thought that the end of their nightmare was at hand brought no relief, no end to their strain. Four years of war and isolationism had crushed all emotions, all hope. All they have left is eyes that stopped seeing, ears that stopped hearing and souls that had stopped living a long time ago. Truly, it is the twilight of the gods.
But this isn't Robotropolis.. or Berlin, or any other city of recent years. Judging by the architecture, and design, it is mid-twenthy century. World War II, by best estimates. And this is the front line. But, a twisted sign reads wrong, has to. It's not Fulda or Regensburg, Germany, but rather..

Welcome to Oklahoma City! Population: Fifteen Thousand

Welcome to Colonel's nightmare.. welcome to Fortress America.

Anthem [Uniform] [RF]

Obvious exits:
West <W> leads to Cyberspace - Yukon, Oklahoma, 1945.
Whirlpool Lobster arrives from the Colonel's Office - London.
Whirlpool Lobster has arrived.
Phoebus arrives from the Colonel's Office - London.
Phoebus has arrived.
Skyblade Eagle arrives from the Colonel's Office - London.
Skyblade Eagle has arrived.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'You wish to face me man to man, Doppler. I am open to it. You can again cower in fear of me. Or will you now, as you did then, call on one of your children to fight his daddy's battle'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'You are testing my patience, DeVry...'.
Anthem materializes in the middle of... Oklahoma. The first thing she does is bring up her cannon to watch for hostiles.. except there is no cannon. She's also apperantly blond, and wearing a German infantryman's uniform. There's a pause as she looks at herself. "Well nuts." She glances around at everybody. "Aaaaaaaand we're all humans. So much for air and naval superiority."
(Ch. D [Public]) Norman Cassidy transmits: 'He's only starting to test your patience now, Doppler? Wow, you got more of it than I do.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'Yes, it comes along with wisdom and intelligence.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Landon DeVry transmits: 'So, Doppler. Where shall we face now. New York, so your other son may see his father brutally beaten?'.
Whirlpool Lobster is rather suprised when he sees that everyone he entered with has been replaced by humans in uniform. He looks down and is doubly suprised when he sees that he is the same way. "Ah! Where're my claws?" He also notices that he seems far smaller than he was previously. "This... isn't what I was expecting.
Flare Feline materializes and observes the landscape, his first thought is to draw his claws and ready himself, but he finds he has no claws to draw. He looks down and discovers he has human hands, no claws, no blasters. He is also several feet shorter. "Wow..." is all he mutters, he rubs his hands through his shortly cut black hair "... I have hair. This is disorienting..." Still, they have a mission to do here, so he tries to focus on that.
Phoebus is in a German infantryman's uniform as well. He has no weapons which would be correct if he was a he. He's no longer a he and is in fact, a she. She stares down..blinks...and looks up, "I hate Cyber Peacock.", s/he remarks dryly, wishing he had his trusty energy cannon as well. poor guy..girl..or whatever.
(Ch. D [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: 'Tch. I do despise such...utterly crude mannerisms. But if it will wipe the insolent grin off of your proverbial face, very well.'.
Skyblade Eagle blinks as she pops in, "Whoa...Somehow, that wasn't Matrix like at all.." She shakes her head, as her long silver hair drapes behind her wingless human back, "Ack! My wings!" She turns around, as if looking for them, "Well, this sucks." She looks around at all the others, rubbing over her face with a hand..
(Ch. D [Public]) Norman Cassidy transmits: 'Hey! Leave my hometown outta this.'.
Anthem crosses her arms. "Well, this is just *dandy*. Gotta make do, I guess." She waves around at the area. "Forward, loose formation! Careful what's out there, though - we're in deep enemy territory, but we've got friends here. First priority is getting our people out, Cyber's secondary."
Flare Feline starts out, following Anthem. After taking a few breaths he almost feels a sneeze coming, he brings his finger up across his nose and feels a moustashe, he shakes his head "Weird..."
Phoebus nods...not like s/he is going to get in the way of Anthem's hands and Cyber Peacock's neck. It would be...well..bad...for him...lets see..anthem's hands...neck being crunched into the space of a centimeter...yes..bad...
Hurricane Hawk arrives from the Colonel's Office - London.
Hurricane Hawk has arrived.
[OOC] Flare Feline says, "Uhh... aren't you supposed to be up guarding the big red button of computer crashy death?"
[OOC] Hurricane Hawk stuck a gumbie on it.
[OOC] Flare Feline says, "Dandy"
[OOC] Flare Feline says, "By /on/ it, you don't mean actually ON the button, thus pressing it down?"
Whirlpool Lobster takes a step forward, feeling very light. "R...Roger..." His entire body seems changed. He has no tail, claws, or heavy armor. A quick inspection on his face indicates that it's also totally changed. "I don't think any amount of training could have prepped me for this..."
Flare Feline is following after Anthem, apparently having to ajust to walking in shorter legs, he is a generic black haired german officer with a typical rectangular moustashe
Anthem pauses, glancing at the others. "Yes, they're fingers. Yes, you're humans right now. And it's a mustache, yes, get used to it." Anthem mockingly rubs her upper lip to pantomime Flare... and finds that she, too, has a mustache. A longer pause. ".....What the frig?" She pulls off her own belt and uses the buckle as a mirror. ".....You've *got* to be kidding me." A long and very enthusiastic bout of swearing ensues. For Cyber Peacock has a wonderful sense of humor - Anthem, since she's leading the forces to save Colonel (disguised as Axis troops), gets a unique form in this place. Anthem gets to look like Hitler.
Hurricane Hawk suddenly appears, flickers in, pops up, or something. But he's in there. The same uniforms as everyone else, but smaller. *blink* Much smaller. Well this is a nightmare for him already. No wings, no height, no cannons. "Er..."
[OOC] Hurricane Hawk says, "LOL!"
<O-Repliforce> Fallen Angel - Skyblade Eagle says, "Geeze. It's Gender-Bender night down here."
[OOC] Whirlpool Lobster says, "lol"
<O-Repliforce> Colonel says, "Oh, it just got worse. :>"
<O-Repliforce> Sunstar says, "Anthem's male?"
<O-Repliforce> Still has a lot to learn, Flare Feline says, "BWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAA"
<O-Repliforce> Anthem says, "Worse."
<O-Repliforce> Sunstar says, "Anthem's both male and female?"
<O-Repliforce> Anthem says, "Since we're Axis troops in here, and I'm in charge..."
[OOC] Flare Feline says, "I'm keeping some of this ooc stuff in my log"
Skyblade Eagle is looking for a weapon...She has a weapon, right? A machine gun, or a shotgun, or..Hell, how about a knife? She looks over at Anthem, and blinks, "I hope you're not planning on going right into Allied territory looking like that, Anthem.." She mutters, as she brushes out her hair with a hand, wishing she had her damn wings..
<O-Repliforce> Sunstar says, "You're Hitler?"
<O-Repliforce> Anthem nods.
<O-Repliforce> Sunstar says, "Oh my."
<O-Repliforce> Rockstar! Decibel says, "German nazi leather dominatrix Anthem?"
<O-Repliforce> Anthem is going to be seriously harming Cyber later. ;>
<O-Repliforce> Sunstar says, "You're proving my Repliforce = Nazi theory."
<O-Repliforce> Still has a lot to learn, Flare Feline says, "That's apparently what Cyber had in mind anyway"
<O-Repliforce> Still has a lot to learn, Flare Feline says, "Jet would have a field day if he were on now"
Phoebus pauses for a moment and is about to ask something but the problem is that he isn't sure how to adress Anthem at the moment so she just says nothing.
Anthem finishes her swearing, and goes to just fuming. "Let's go. There's no *way* I'm gonna let this minor problem stop me from seriously hurting that bird..." And sh.. he starts stomping forward.
Flare Feline follows, muttering "I have a feeling this is only the start of it all..."
Whirlpool Lobster follows the rest, beginning to get used to his form.
Hurricane Hawk just jogs up behind the group. He feels so tiny right now that it isn't funny... "This... is going to be interesting...
Anthem enters the Cyberspace - Yukon, Oklahoma, 1945.
Anthem has left.
Phoebus walks awkwardly, since she's wearing strange heeled shoes which seem to be designed to make it harder to walk.
Skyblade Eagle enters the Cyberspace - Yukon, Oklahoma, 1945.
Skyblade Eagle has left.
Whirlpool Lobster enters the Cyberspace - Yukon, Oklahoma, 1945.
Whirlpool Lobster has left.
Phoebus enters the Cyberspace - Yukon, Oklahoma, 1945.
Phoebus has left.
Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945

The transition from night to day is subtle, almost unnoticed by those that are the stunned survivors of this once proud city. There are no birds chirping, no animals scurrying about to announce a new day has started. The only difference was a slow, torturous, change from the cold oppressive darkness of night to a leaden gray sky that brings no warmth, no hope to those people who huddle in the corners of shelters. Even the thought that the end of their nightmare was at hand brought no relief, no end to their strain. Four years of war and isolationism had crushed all emotions, all hope. All they have left is eyes that stopped seeing, ears that stopped hearing and souls that had stopped living a long time ago. Truly, it is the twilight of the gods.
But this isn't Robotropolis.. or Berlin, or any other city of recent years. Judging by the architecture, and design, it is mid-twenthy century. World War II, by best estimates. And this is the front line. But, a twisted sign reads wrong, has to. It's not Fulda or Regensburg, Germany, but rather..

Welcome to Oklahoma City! Population: Fifteen Thousand

Welcome to Colonel's nightmare.. welcome to Fortress America.

Hurricane Hawk [RF]

Obvious exits:
West <W> leads to Cyberspace - Yukon, Oklahoma, 1945.
Hurricane Hawk enters the Cyberspace - Yukon, Oklahoma, 1945.
Hurricane Hawk has left.
You enter the Cyberspace - Yukon, Oklahoma, 1945.
Cyberspace - Yukon, Oklahoma, 1945

Due to the constant pushes of the armies of Germany and the United States continually pushing through nearby Oklahoma City, it was decided that instead of trying to set their base of operations there, the remnants of the 5th Army, United States garrisoned in Yukon, Oklahoma, five miles from the front.
Originally, this was simply a small farming community, housing about 300 people. However, it is now a tent city, housing well over fifteen thousand, representing the largest Army in standing left in the United States. The civilians here were evacuated, leaving the Army to be self sufficent, and have done so with the large farms and cantoments in place. In the former city hall, the headquarters of the 5th US has been placed, while a small suburban home on the western outskirts of the city houses the commander of this Army and his family.

Hurricane Hawk [RF]
Phoebus [RF]
Whirlpool Lobster [RF]
Skyblade Eagle [RF]
Anthem [Uniform] [RF]
Pluto [] [SD]
Decibel [RF]
Midi [C]
Techno [C]
Cyber Peacock [M]
Sonic Banshee [M]
Colonel [Kanissa] [RF]
Sonata [MH]
City Hall <Command Center>
Kanissa Residence - 1945

Obvious exits:
East <E> leads to Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945.
Cyber Peacock is quietly raging deep in the computer core as 'Timmy's' eyes report the entire situation. He's aware now that things are falling apart a lot faster than he would have liked. The child's eyes are wide. "No, Mother! I don't know what's going on! Father! What is this?" He runs and hides behind Colonel now, peeking out behind him and glaring hellfire at Techno. .oO(As soon as I know who you are, you are dead. DEAD.) Things start to fall apart, the world is spinning out of even Cyber's control. Cyber's real body starts to hum in the real world, overclocking his CPU. "No...so close, curse it! Not NOW!"
(Ch. D [Public]) Slash Man transmits: 'Good evening, ladies and gents. How are all you folks this evening?'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'Foolish and ignorant, as always.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Slash Man transmits: 'Really? I'm sorry to hear that.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'Rather, the folks.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'You shouldn't be. Everyone is always that.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'You should be used to it by now.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'But if you meant how am I specifically doing, I am bleeding and hanging on a hook. Quite good, but a bit tedious.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Slash Man transmits: 'Wow. That's something serious.'.
Whirlpool Lobster walks up behind the group. "So what do we do now?" he says quietly, letting only those nearby hear it.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'No, it's quite comical.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Slash Man transmits: 'Well, would you like some more variance in your pain? I can certainly help you out with that.'.
Flare Feline is with the group, not wanting to say anything right now, everyone's on edge it seems, and for good reason.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'I'm too occupied with the hook and a performance.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Slash Man transmits: 'Ah. Well, have fun then.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Slash Man transmits: 'Is there anybody else on this wire?'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'No.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Slash Man transmits: 'Shame.'.
Hurricane Hawk is walking along as well, and for those that don't know, Hurricane is obviously human as well. around 6 feet or so tall. White, black hair. He could be Neo! if it wasn't for that cursed uniform, darn it all. He's simply walking along at the rear of the group, two women, so he has no idea which one is Skyblade right now.
(Ch. D [Public]) Violen transmits: 'How are you enjoying your vacation, Psych? Any trouble?'.
Phoebus is also with the group. and female. and wearing high heals. nhrarr...he glances towards Hurricane Hawk and blinks... and then she looks away for a moment. blink...
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'Not a vacation.'.
Skyblade Eagle walks along with the rest of the 'German' troops, muttering under her breath a little bit..She rather dislikes this whole situation in general...And Skyblade is the female with Silver hair, Hurricane...Yep..
(Ch. D [Public]) Psych Mosquito transmits: 'I do have work. And troubled, no.'.
(Ch. D [Public]) Violen transmits: 'Good.'.
When everything hits the fan, it *really* hits the fan. As the chaos takes place below, and Cyber struggles to keep things intact... the 42nd Panzer division, with infantry support and led by Hitler himself, comes over the hill. This is, in actuality, the Repliforce rescue team, forced by Cyber into the forms of humans and German troops.
Rachel continues to back up as she, Kanissa, and Timmy, stand on a porch, near Laura, and Techno... And a rather real looking -- and behaving! -- Stardroid cat. Who's eying Rachel hungrilly.
Pluto's eyes flicker red, meer slits as the feline god stares down at 'Rachel'. "You... you are the one..", rumbles the snowkitty. "You're not the one behind this, but yours is the trickery and deciet that has aided this illusion. Close enough." Light glints off his silver claws as he flexes his arms back, ready to strike. "Don't worry, I'll make sure the physical suffering of your punishment reflects the anguish you've caused.." A growl follows, and in a blur of motion the claws slash out at Sonic as the unholy feline lunges.
Sonata, in her Laura-guise, stays close to the Kanissa's, wide-eyed at the chaos around them. Inwardly, she hopes whoever these people are, they're on her side...
Pluto strikes Sonic Banshee with his Slashing Dash attack.
Synth has arrived.
Phoebus is also wearing high heels, very important.
Hurricane Hawk is Neo in a german uniform.... er...
Midi gazes with boredom at the numerous screens that circle the room of the UN security and data office. Yawning quietly he stretches his tired limbs and leans back in his comfy plush computer chair. His bright blue optics focus and narrow on all the screens until there is a sudden flash from one of them. Blinking slightly the little hacker rolls towards one of the screens and stares carefully as the code runs down the screen, taking note of the glitch. A thin smirk presses on his lips and his eyes widen with interest. "Well, what do we have here? Well it looks like someone got messy. Time to pay them a visit and stop this nonsense.

Sitting himself down infront of the screen Midi's fingers rapidly run across the keyboard, inputting his own data.

A small figure dressed as a private of the opposing army slowly begins to surface in the cyberworld. This figure looks nothing more then a small boy. His gentle and innocent optics with his bright and cheerful smile differ from anything that is shown from his brother. Whistling and skipping towards the porch, Midi looks down at himself. The little hacker just stops and groans with annoyance at his outfit. "Oh no, not another war game. Why does everyone love to play these? Why can't someone play a nice gentle and safe game with cute things in them. Perhaps one with a cute kitten. Oh no...I have to be in a game with some bloodthirsty killers." He sighs once more and shrugs. "Well it could be worse. It could be a first person shotting game where everyone but the player is deemed the enemy."
Decibel is currently done up like a UN soldier, guitar Double V shifted into a WWII-era rifle, which is slung over his shoulder. He pops up from the shrubbery surrounding the Banshee residence, blinking. "Urh. Well, shoot. Ain't this a situation." The confused soldier looks back and forth, unslinging his rifle and holding it in front of himself.
Err. US Soldier.
Rachel's eyes go wide as a look of horror flashes across her face, and she unleashes a scream of terror into the air, throwing her arms up as she stumbles backwards, trying to evade the claws. However, the cat lashing forward is much too fast for the retreating woman to escape, and, well, there's a porch wall, and a swing in the way. The claws sing in the air as they lash forward, and there's a moment when time seems to freeze in place, a moment when the earth seems to stand still. System Lag seems to strike at the most appropriate times. Blades lash into the spindly American Woman frame, and the wide of Colonel R. A. Kanissa issues out a shriek of pain that peirces to the very soul... and then ends abruptly as she's slung into the air with a cloud of crimson rain falling beneath her against the white washed surface of the porch and the accompanying swing.

".. No.."

The word is choked out in pain, as time resumes itself again slowly, as the woman's body falls to the ground, massive rips rended through her dress, across her chest, and, more importantly, sunk deep, to her lungs and heart. Even in cyberspace, death is not pretty. the heap of the woman's body lands upon the ground on her side, eyes a;ready closing, as one hand drapes down across her front. She remains still, watching without watching, it seems, even as the units of Hitler's forces charges towards the small, tudor house, with it's white picket fence, down the hill. Towards the house, where a child grew up, where a wife waited, breathless, for her husband's return. A house that portrayed the hopes and dreams of an American family..
The very spitting image of the American dream..
Just as he succeeded in gaining control of his mind from the Peacock, and starts to get his real memories back, the Stardroid starts to shred into Rachel, sending her flying backwards, flesh and clothing alike flinging from her body in the attack. With one quick rush, Colonel is next to her body, kneeling down next to her, as he starts to brush the tears of pain away from her eyes. "It's okay.." he says automatically, in the same tone, the same manner that he would with a soldier that had been mortally woinded on the field. As he does so, the faint lit in her voice.. Cyber Peacock's change is the final straw.. he knows whose body he is holding now. The Sidhe.

However, that changes, nothing. "It's going to be okay.. now relax, look at me, and let me take a look.." he says, as he gently reaches down, and pulls away the hand over the gaping wound. And immediately, he knows, if Cyber does not get her out of here, she may very well die, if what his sister did to Data Raccoon is an example.

Colonel quietly brushes the hair away from Rachel's eyes. "I'm impressed, Sonic.." he says quietly to her. "..if you could show as much restraint in the real world as you had here, maybe things would.. could be different." Tilting down, Kanissa kisses his wife on the head one last time, and just to make it even for Sonic, says it's 12.

"Sleep well, Banshee.. you have earned it." Taking off his greatcoat, he lays it under Rachel's head, and sabredrawn, prepares to engage Pluto, alone if he must, temporarily forgetting the Nazis bearing down on him.
Anthem pauses atop the hill for a moment. "And there's a Stardroid here. That's *gotta* be fake." She eyes the scene outside the house, and the people in US uniforms there. "Might be Colonel, might be computer images, might be Cyber." A moment of thought is all that's really needed. "No sense in hesitating now, people! Rush 'em!"
Synth sits in the WilySphere, pouring through the internet from her precious laptop. This massive configuration surprises her, and she pounds through the false ID tags surrounding it, to find no central identifier. With a frown, the hacker 'bot 'beats on the door' testingly for a while longer, and not finding a window, so to speak, lets herself in.
Timmy howls in horror as Rachel is cut down. "MOTHER! NO! MOTHER!" And he runs forward to Sonic...and then /freezes/. The lanky child stares at Colonel, eyes narrowed, before slipping off around the side of the house, running like his butt was on fire. .oO(Bastard...now I really know why I hate the French.) Cyber's cursing at an Anthem level now as people hack into his world. It was going so well...sigh.
Sonata blinks, pausing as Colonel seems to have come back to himself. She takes a cautious step forward. "...Colonel?" she says, quietly. "Is that you?"
Phoebus ...looks at Anthem... "...Rushing...", she says as he runs forward...full speed..which isn't that much, because he trips on his heels after about ten steps.
Cyber Peacock sends a radio transmission.
Sonic Banshee receives a radio transmission.
Decibel blinks towards Colonel. Uh. Okay. This is confusing. This is not good. This is bad. Very bad. "Uh. Hey! Sir! Mistah! You don't have to fight that thing! Really!"
Elsewhere in Cyberspace, Roll utterly annihilates her opponent in Donkey Kong Tournament 3000
Flare Feline shrugs and does and Anthem orders, rushing along with the rest, but a thought occurs to him, they have no weapons
Sonic Banshee sends a radio transmission to Cyber Peacock.
Cyber Peacock receives a radio transmission from Sonic Banshee.
Hurricane Hawk's eyes narrow, eyes Skyblade for a second, .oO(Catch up later) then takes whatever rifle he got and goes charging forward with the rest of the group.
Whirlpool Lobster readies himself. "Got it." He runs after the others.
Pluto draws back his arm, raising it to lick some of the virtually imitated blood from his claws, and watching as Colonel gets all sappy and dramatic over Rachel's demise. "Please. Spare me the melodrama. She's had that retribution for her ways coming from some time, in both worlds."
Cyber Peacock sends a radio transmission to Sonic Banshee.
Sonic Banshee receives a radio transmission.
Ten has arrived.
Phoebus staggers up, "nrhh...", he tears off her shoes and continues charging, hurting his feet on rocks and such but ignoring it because he's getting mad...and such.
Colonel turns on Sonata, sabre ready, wondering which Maverick Sonata is, as he prepares to lunge at Pluto, sabre glowing even more now, "..who are you?" he asks, "..and if you say anything other than a Maverick, you better be ready to prove it.."
Skyblade Eagle wishes she was on the American's side...They won, after all...Oh well. She whips out her dual .45s (Since she has two of her Skyblade launchers normaly), and charges down towards where the others are. Hey, she has boots on, and a normal uniform, so she's ready. Hoo freakin' hah!
"DIGITAL SHIFT!" The US Soldier outfit derezzes, leaving an armored Decibel in its place. Brown hair shifts back to torquoise, facial tattoos reappear. He starts running toward the scene on the porch.
"Sir! Sir! Dude! We're us! We're the good us!" His rifle melts back into his crimson guitar.
Timmy freezes suddenly, out of sight but not out of mind. For as things heat up, Rac--eh, Sonic's body begins to sizzle and fizzle. Stripes of static appear across her form, and her image breaks up. The sound of a modem makes itself heard as Cyber uploads Sonic from this world into the real one. As the noise fades, Sonic is 'beamed back' to her body in the Maverick base, hurting more than likely, but alive.

Which is more than Cyber could do for Data Raccoon.

Reminded of this, Timmy continues to run like hell.
Flare Feline notices the two gun holsters on his belt as he is charging forward, takes them out, shrugs, and continues to run forward trying to look as menacing as he can.
Whirlpool Lobster feels something on his back, and pulls a rifle from behind him. He shrugs as he runs and continues barreling towards the gathering.
Phoebus has weapons?...he pauses..searches for them...since he has lots of gunlike weapons in the real world, he has a whole bunch of weaponry here on which he doesn't know how to use...so he settles for a nice simple 1911 (or something)...like skyblade has.
Anthem bandishes a good ol' German weapon - a classic Mauser pistol. .oO(This is one of the stupidest things I've ever done, but it's not like we've got a whole load of other options.)Oo. As the group rushes down the hill towards the house, Decibel becomes, well, Decibel again. "Alright, we've got friendlies in the area! Hold your fire, but don't take chances!"
Pluto eyes Colonel for a few moments coldly. "You are the one imprisoned in this illusion. I have no reason to rip your soul from your body and cast it into the pits of Hades for eternity. I only seek the one who torments your sanity with these fake realities." His claws remained bared though, and one gets the idea that he may, if put up to it, hack Colonel in two despite his words...
Midi continues to skip along, ignoring everything around him. His prime focus is on dealing with that overgrown kitten. Giggling softly Midi smiles happily and waves towards Colonel before his face becomes completely serious. Gaining control of the now wreaked programming of Cyber Peacock, the little hacker downloads his own touch to the game. His hand begins to suddenly sparking ever so slightly as he works. Gazing around his blue optics narrow on a small kitten in the corner that is soon drawn out from hiding and pulled into Midi's gentle hands. Stroking the little cat's head gently, the feline slowly begins to grow to apoint that Midi has to put it down. The cat continues to grow, matching the creation that Techno made.
Leo has arrived.
Ten ends up arriving late due to a malfunction, so she hasn't had the shock of finding herself suddenly looking like a german human yet. When she finds herself suddenly standing in the false world of WWII, she immediately gasps in amazement. It becomes a double gasp as she discovers her beak replaced with a human mouth, and her metal reploid body replaced with a human body in some sort of uniform. It takes her a moment to get her barings. For the moment she is just looking about confused.
Sonic Banshee has left.
The feline grows ... slowly becoming upright ... with a swirl of flames, a circular, bladed disk appears in its paw. Its eyes flash red as it fully forms, a representation of the Starhaven Security Officer ...
With the introduction of Pluto, Techno is really nowhere to be found. The hacker's inside, strolling through the parlor. Stopping in front of a table with hundreds of framed pictures, he nods approvingly. He picks up a framed picture with an antique photo inside. Without any warning, he slams his fist on the picture, shattering the glass that protected it. He slips the photo out of the frame and places it in some pocket. After disposing of some more photos in the same manner, he starts whistling.

Back in the real world, pictures of known Mavericks and their personel files fill Techno's computer screens. He shakes his head, "It can't be this easy." He shrugs, taking a look back at the screen with his copy of Pluto and the new Stardroid kitty. Facepalming, "Oh man...I really shouldn't have said anything." After shattering a few more pictures and grabbing the first family heirlooms he lays his eyes on, Techno directs his avatar to head back outside to meet his match.
Sonata looks at Colonel and forces her form to shift back to her normal offline appearance. Kind of a graphical representation of A/S/L... "...I'm Sonata," she says. "...Remember?"
<Global News Network> And not only the MUSH, but the whole world hits a lag bump as three 3l33t hackers, using two Avatars tear through Cyberspace, lagging it more than the announcement of a website showing nude pics of the 'Weakest Link' host. Ewww.
Pluto's attention is drawn from Colonel as the second godly feline appears, ears laying back as he hisses. "Figures. Just as things are getting good and deadly, someone of Order just has to show up and spoil my fun. How disgustingly... predictable." You've gotta give Techno credit, he's managed to simulate Pluto's personality down to the wire.
Colonel blinkblinks at Decibel and Sonata. "..Nata?" he asks, shocked she came in here after him for a moment, before he shakes it off, looking around. "Sheesh.." he murmurs finally, "Next time I play a game, make sure it's Solitaire." He says flatly.
Leo eyes Pluto, the Lion's Claw starting to slowly spin. "Pluto ... I give you one warning and one warning only. Depart." The corner of her lip raises in a snarl, revealing razor-sharp fangs.
Colonel then eyes them both, looking at Sonata, not sure if Cyber is still playing with his mind. "..prove it.."
Cyber Peacock would be laughing and pointing at Colonel if he wasn't RUNNING FOR HIS LIFE. Timmy trips and falls, landing with a *smack* on the ground and bouncing off his nose. Stunned for the moment, the child lays still, seeing stars.
Sonata says, "Your real name is Kanissa, your sister's name is Iris. Your bedspread is green."
Midi doesn't wish to stay around, letting his digimon...err his Stardroid handle the stituation. He has confidence in his skills enough to trust his creation in finishing of the errored programming. Moving aside the little guy begins to skip towards the inside of the house to stop the hacker.
[OOC] Colonel DIEES!
[OOC] Colonel says, "NATA!!!!!"
[OOC] Anthem stares.
[OOC] Cyber Peacock says, "Bowmp chica wow wow!"
[OOC] Skyblade Eagle says, "Ahahahaha."
[OOC] Sonata says, "You've got this little birthmark shaped like a pear on your left..."
[OOC] Sonata says, "shoulder."
[OOC] Hurricane Hawk says, "Kanissa!"
[OOC] Pluto says, "I don't want to know how she knows the color of his bedspread"
[OOC] Skyblade Eagle says, "At least she said green, and not milky white..."
Oh. Well. Good. Decibel is recognized, at least. "Eheh. Solitaire. Roger that, si...." A pause. A blink. His head tilts to Sonata. "..... I'm gunna guess she's real. That's me."
Hurricane Hawk is indeed charging downward as Hitl-...er.. Anthem charges forward. German him? He doesn't even know german!
Skyblade Eagle continues to charge on down towards the American...Stuff. Yeah. Woo hah. Okay, anyway, she still has two 1911s in her hands, just kinda waiting for something to happen, or Anthem to give some orders, or something..
[OOC] Colonel says, "There was the time that Blues walked in on Sonata and I while I was in the shower, and she was in my bed.."
[OOC] Hurricane Hawk says, "..."
[OOC] Cyber Peacock hooots.
[OOC] Hurricane Hawk says, "I really didn't need to know that >.>;"
[OOC] Sonata grumbles "..stupid jammed handcuff..errrr...I was just sleeping, that's all!"
[OOC] Colonel says, "I think that someone has a log of that, actually."
Whirlpool Lobster has also found that he is slower than normal as he bolts down the hill. .oO(This isn't good... I don't even know how to work these... hands, let alone this ancient thing...)Oo.
Ten doesn't quite know what to do, so she decides to hope that the other german soldiers are on her side. She tries to fly toward them, and falls flat on her face due to expecting to be able to fly but suddenly finding herself without wings. Angrily, she stands back up, and keeps running toward the crowd of german soldiers.
Pluto remains in his crouched position, claws held threateningly read at his sides, though his attention is now on Leo, instead of trying to find the cause of this virtual nightmare. Lucky for Timmy. An ear flicks, the tail swishes a few times, and the unholy feline's eyes narrow at his orderly counterpart. "Tell you what, Leo. First I'll shred your leonide hide into damnation here. Then later I'll take you out for catnip martinis. I prefer my girls.. living impared..."
Flare Feline is running down the hill with the rest, two guns drawn, they're not his blasters or claws, but they'll have to do.
Dark Necrobat has arrived.
Broadcast Ocelot has arrived.
Broadcast Ocelot stalks into the area, tail swishing from side to side.
Lunar Vixen has arrived.
Violen has arrived.
Phoebus charges! like ninja!...without shoes.
Grid Shrike has arrived.
Bit has arrived.
Colonel blinks, and then pratically gives Sonata a tight bearhug, "..it is you, Nata!" he says worriedly, before setting her down, looking at Decible. "Who the hell is who around here?" he shouts, looking out over the madness.
Jazz would have a field day if she say what Colonel just did. Luckilly for him, she isn't.
Leo raises an eyebrow. "Return to your smelly, rancid litterbox, snow cat." Her own tail lashes as she eyes Pluto back, hissing under her breath. "For once in your misbegotten, wretched life, leave without pointless destruction."
Grid Shrike arrives in full uniform, carrying nothing more than a survival knife and a handgun. How did that happen? o.o "Oh boy. Lots o' Nazis!"
"I'm me, sir," Decibel says. "I'm not sure who the oncoming army is. But whenever people tried to get into this game before... Repliforcers, I mean.. we came out looking like Nazis. So we mighhgit just be meeting up with some of our own."
Anthem keeps running forward, as nobody apperantly notices the German army. .oO(Alright, if that's Decibel, and that's Sonata, then the guy they're talking to *should* be Colonel.)Oo. Thankfully, it's a fairly educated guess. Unthankfully, Anthem/Hitler decides that the best option is to try and protect Colonel by body-checking him into the ground as the others overrun the area and look for a certain hacker bird. "BONZAI! <Note - 'bonzai' is spoken in German>"
Phoebus hops after the group, angry, because his feet are beginning to hurt.
Phoebus is a she, actually, in case you are wondering.
Grid Shrike swears some. "Stupid Germans."
Bit has reconnected.
"Flattery will get you no where." Pluto actually grins at that. It is hardly a pretty thing, with the sadistic turn of the corners of his mouth, and the sharp fangs showing through. "But if you're that insistant of stubbornly trying to ruin my fun of just laying waste to this entire miserable scene, be my guest. I could use the excuse to kick one of you Order pansies around."
Hurricane Hawk charges still, glancing around for someone that would be the enemy. Lets see, they're german, so the enemy would be... ... he didnt study history darn it!
Techno opens the screen door to the porch, intercepting Midi right away. He gives Midi a friendly wave, "Hi bro. Long time no see." He glances at the other cat-like Stardroid, wondering for a moment, if Leo is worth taking on. The hacker asks casually, "Your stuff?"
Flare Feline continues to run after Anthem, and pauses a bit when she jumps Colonel "...ok"
Cyber Peacock is a little boy, sprawled on his face at the moment on the ground, partially out of sight. Dragging himself up a little, he groans and shakes himself off. "I hate the French," he moans, rubbing at his bleeding nose. His eyes narrow at the scene before him. "A lot of bloody Germans around."
Grid Shrike tromps forward, looking for a good fight with the army bent on world genocide.
Lunar Vixen appears, somewhere around the same time as the newly attired Grid Shrike. She gazes ahead with a most self-satisfied smirk on her suddenly human-like lips, gazing through a pair of combat goggles over the scene that surrounds her much as the cat surveys the forest that is her domain. She begins a cautious and yet no less graceful stride forward, managing elegance even in the drab gear of her US soldier's getup. Yet it is then that she feels her fatigues riding up against her body, becomes aware of the automatic weapon slung over her shoulder. Wide eyed and confused, she begins to examine herself, slowly, taking in every fibre, every ounce of detail... With an almost astonished look of disbelief on her face, she reaches slowly up to her helmet, pulling it loose from her head, and turning it around so that the reflective surface can reveal to her her face. It's then, that she seems pushed over the edge, comes into the realization of what she has manifested as. She is not only the world's worstf ashion disaster, but currently bares a nightmarish and unbareable level... of hat hair. Too stunned to scream, she stares ahead blankly.
There is a moment of silence as the petals of the cherry blossom descends towards the heavens. The wind picks them up, swirling through to form into a sun golden light. It is Bit, who appears to be wearing the US uniform with a rifle in his hand. ".....I look....rediculous..." He murmurs, as his eyes luminate brightly.
Leo snorts. "Snow cat ... I believe the Mortals of Earth have an expression that sums up my response to your statement ..." She holds the Lion's Claw forward, red energy lighting around, like flames. "You and what army?"
Colonel starts to say something when Anthem slams into him bodily. He gives a grunt, sabre leaving his hand, and sticking blade first into the ground, as he rolls, and plants his foot, throwing Anthem off of him. As Hithem flies off of him, she plants into the ground.. right at Cyber Peacock's feet.
Dark Necrobat appears in the uniform of a Green Beret. Oddly enough, his face isn't American, though the uniform is. Instead, he looks oddly like a certain dead-now cyborged Chinese Reveloutionary back when he was alive and young. It seems a certain holographic bird has a mean sense of humor. Readying his machine-gun, he smirks, and looks around for the enemy, while looking for a shadowy place to hide.
A cold smirk plastered on his face, or rather Young Landon DeVry's face, Dark Necrobat looks ready to kick some Nazi butt.
Violen is whisked away on some magic ride that teleports him here. His optics narrow as he omes upon a scene that seems to have been playing itself for quite sometime. He clinches his fist and wonders exactly what is going on.
Broadcast Ocelot appears in the midst of the German army, dressed to fit the scene. Of course, this is no big surprise to him since he has been here before. For now he tries to get a handle on the scene.
Grid Shrike stops for a moment. "Waitta...waittasecond...where's..." He searches himself desperately but finds no trace of the laptop. "Ohno..." He grumbles and curses some more. "Those Germans stole my..." He stops and realizes he can't bloody well yell out laptop in the middle of a 1945 war scene. "They stole my radio! You'll pay for that, you stupid Nazis. $29.99, cash only! Your checks'll all bounce anyway. Stupid Nazis."
Midi frowns at his brother and sighs. "Well it is good to see you brother. But I take it that your behind this chaos. Only you could do this." His eyes soften some and he reaches for his brother's arm. "Techno....why do you keep doing this? Stop this and please come with me. Pretty please with sugar on top with a touch of cherry and whipcream?"
Sonata has left.
Colonel takes Sonata.
Who to fight one on one? Phoebus isn't like that and prefers actual tactics..but he's confused and he has a gun...so he just runs forward.
Colonel enters the Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945.
Colonel has left.
Skyblade Eagle spots the only other female that's showing up out of the American troops, "Wonder who that is.." She tucks her right pistol away, raising her right hand one and capping off a shot at Lunar as she continues to charge towards her..
Timmy yells. What else would you do if Hitler landed at your feet?


Then the boy pauses, and the childish voice falls away. A smug, avian voice slides into the fragile human body, and he pulls his spectacles from his face. Planting his hands on his hips, he tilts his head and just smiles.

"Even I must admit that I have a rather stellar sense of humour, no?"
Charging forth with his pistol in hand, angry for the loss of his la...radio, the fully nationalistic Grid Shrike charges, charges, and charges right in front of Phoebus. He shrieks and tries to turn and pull the breaks, but ends up just pointing his pistol forward and continuing to run.
Phoebus is still female of course
Pluto raises his paws, but not to lash out at Leo. Instead, a swirl of white and blue starts to form between them. "Well, if that's how you're going to be about it." He grabs onto the mass of cold and ice, pulling it towards himself a moment, and then with a thrust of his arms hurtles it at Leo. "I am Death; I need no army to incarcerate the likes of you."
Pluto strikes Leo with his Frost Ball attack.
Phoebus blinks a bit...and then heads for some cover c.c.
[OOC] Phoebus says, "you guys can assume he's dealing with mav gumbies"
[OOC] Phoebus says, "if you want"
Grid Shrike dashes right past the escaping Leo, and right towards Whirlpool Lobster, who is also decked out in a German uniform. "Give me my $29.99 you stupid Nazi!" He swears a lot at the German. "Stupid Nazi!"
Anthem props herself up on one arm, and smirks back through the stupid little mustache. "I really, really hate you. Not only do you break my coffee and force me to handle Colonel's paperwork, but you put me in *this* body? I'm gonna guess you're a bit off your game today, since we were actually able to get in. That means...." Anthem points the Mauser. "I get to kick your sorry behind."
Anthem also mentions Cyber/Timmy's name in there, someplace, and continues to think straight.
Bit holds his rifle, then he glares towards the Nazi's around. "Okay men!! Let's get ready to hunt down some Nazis..." He holds the rifle, before running through the field. As he reaches out to the battle field, he makes a dive towards one of the corners, rolling himself towards the ground.
Leo grunts as the frost ball smashes into her leg. "A pitiful attack, Snow Cat. How like a force of Chaos to be so ... unreliable? Yes, that's the word ..." She grins at Pluto through the spokes of her weapon, the red energy glowing brighter. "RED ... ZODIAC ... BEAM!" The energy swirls, then lances out at the Snowkitty of DOOM!
Leo misses Pluto with her Red Zodiac Beam attack.
The bullet tears through the cybernetic air, moving faster than the resounding 'pop' that echoes behind it. The currently oblivious and mystified US Trooperfied Vixen stands no chance of evading it, and with a sickly thump of puncture flesh, she falls with a light, choked off cry flat onto her back. She lays there, in the dirt, for amoment, registering pain, the unusual sensation. So used to assault from all manner of energy, the penetration of a lead capsule is so alien she's uncertain of how to react to it. Slowly, she sits up, placing her helmet back onto her head, fixing the jaw-strap in place, before glancing down at her gun as she casually knits her finger around the trigger. She lifts the nozzle to level on the charging form of her aggressor, and while still seated on her haunches, she screams through the wild cracking of the endless rounds she frees from her machine gun, "NOBODY shoots me and lives, BITCH!"
Whirlpool Lobster skids to a halt, literally, as Grid confronts him. "What the hell are you talking about?" he shouts in German. .oO(Guess I'll have to fight him, then.)Oo.
Ten keeps charging toward the scene. The tall german woman reaches back for her naginata, and instead finds an oddly shaped metal device. "Darnit! No wings, no flame jets, and not even my naginata!" Well, she draws the assault rifle and keeps charging.
Techno glares at his brother's hand like it was the stuff you find in the back of the fridge and you have NO idea how long it's been in there. Obviously, he doesn't take Midi's hand but waves it towards the growing chaos. "Much to my dismay, I had nothing to do with this." A wistful smile, "I can even say that I even helped the good guys get in here. Aren't you proud of me?"
Grid Shrike realizes he'll never get his refund if he kills the Nazi, so he takes out his survival knife instead and takes a fighting stance. "I want my radio or my money...or else!"
Broadcast Ocelot just stays in the rear messing around with a HAM radio, or whatever it was called, like a good communications officer.
Dark Necrobat sneers, as he takes position up on top of a hill. Smirking, the young chinese man begins aiming up on a Nazi charging about below. Without a word, without a single comment, Dark Necrobat begins to open fire on the Nazi-fied form of Hurricane Hawk.
Skyblade Eagle is struck as well, causing her to fall back, as she crawls her wounded aft behind a nearby car, "I hate this body.." She mutters to herself, as she holds her hand over the wound in her shoulder as blood stains her uniform a darker color. She tucks the other pistol away, and takes the shotgun off her back, popping out from behind the car to unleash a round of buckshot towards Lunar
Hurricane Hawk continues his charging, then everything goes off, bullets flying everywhere! The Hawk dives for the ground, pulls up the rifle and fires back at Dark's human form, "This is crazy!!!" he says in german
Broadcast Ocelot just plays around with the radio and such. Not much doing anything else at the moment.
'Timmy' shakes a finger. "Ah, ah, ah!" he taunts, Cyber's voice mildly strained. This is hard work, dealing with a world that's falling apart and trying to push out the invaders. "You're right. I've been so terrible to you, haven't I?" He smirks. "Good."
Grid Shrike realizes he'll never get his refund if he kills the Nazi, so he takes out his survival knife instead and takes a fighting stance. "I want my radio or my money...or else!" (repose)
Pluto darts to the side, letting the blaze of energy rip through the virtual landscape instead. "What, you expect me to seal your damnation in one blow? Where's the fun in that?" Crouching for only a moment, he bolts into motion again, charging towards Leo as he slashes out with the one set of claws. "But if you'd rather I simply smite you in unholy agony, allow me to accomidate you."
Pluto strikes Leo with his Slashing Dash attack.
Violen holds his rifle in hand and ducks behind a bunker. Chewing a large amount of gum, he gruffly says in a country accent, "Well, heck! We're sure in a bind!" He blows a bubble and takes pot shots at people...
Dark Necrobat rolls to the side, and goes for some cover, instead of firing off a second round. Taking a moment, he begins looking over his weapons. Combat knife...Rifle, grenades...this is bad.
Whirlpool Lobster also takes a fighting stance, but hesitates, seemingly allowing the American soldier to make the first move. Strange behavior for a Nazi.
The eyes flickers as he notices one of the members, Flare Feline in humanoid form. He smirks. "Well well..if it isn't a German troop." He pulls the rifle to make a clicking sound as he points it towards her. He grins as he takes very good aim towards him. "...Goodbye Nazi.." He releases the rounds to blast him.
Synth starts to look over the simulation ... trying to figure out what's going on. She doesn't necessarily have an incarnation presently.
Bit strikes you with his Generic Ranged for 4 units of damage.
Midi frowns and sighs. He wished all this was true, he tries to convince himself otherwise that perhaps Techno is not evil. But he does know his brother. Shaking his head slowly, he releases his grip and steps back. "If that was only true brother. But you always did things for yourself." His head hangs down abit with sadness. "What are you up to?" The little computer geek just gazes into his brother's red optics and seems to be harmless. Yet in Real Life he is searching his files and codes over carefully, checking to see if there was anything else taken from the game.
[OOC] Flare Feline says, "...I'm a GUY Bit.. (why does this sound familiar)"
Grid Shrike takes the chance to attack, and jabs at the Nazi with his knife. At an arm, something non-vital. Can't kill him or I'll never get my refund. "Now, give me back my radio!"
Grid Shrike strikes Whirlpool Lobster with his Generic Melee attack.
Hurricane Hawk starts rolling... rolling... rolling... looking for cover it would seem as he keeps his eye on the one that was firing at him. His gun starts making the *click* sound everyone should know so well. He fidgets with the gun, ejects the clip and inserts a new one. "I ...really hate this!" he yells glancing up and over the car.
The Stellar Maverick throws herself to the ground with a surprised yelp, flatting herself to the turf as the dots of hot lead scatter over her head. She crawls across the ground on her elbows, breathing becoming rapid and urgent as she finds herself adapting rather poorly to her new form and the limitations it bares. She finds a ditch to roll into, and once inside, she begins to examine the weaponry that is attached to the numerous belts and pouches covering her body, "There must be something more effective than this primitive toy." She scowls as she explores her armaments. Finally, she fishes out what appears to be a coarsely scaled asparagus green egg, with an aparatus attached to it's peak. A queer and puzzled expression touches her face, yet it seems simple enough by design. She pops it's pin, and throws it over her shoulder with a heave aimed for the general area of the car her opponent had ducked behind. Quietly and calmly, she awaits some sort of reaction.
[OOC] Bit says, "Opps..sorry Flare Feline..^_^;;"
[OOC] Flare Feline says, "I think it's the 'Fe' that does it, *shrug*"
Leo AAARRRGHS as the planetary Stardroid rushes past her, digging into her arm with the razor-sharp claws. "You are powerful, Snow Cat ... powerful but deluded. Consumed by chaos, lusting for destruction ..." She tosses the Claw into the air, her hands extending machete-like claws ... "And if it's claw to claw battle you prefer, I shall accomodate you." A sheath of flame surrounds her hands as she rushes Pluto from behind, trying to rake her claws down Pluto's back.
Leo strikes Pluto with her Cat Scratch Fever attack.
Whirlpool Lobster grimaces as the knife bites into his arm. The flesh breaks and blood starts flowing out. The new sensation startles Whirl, but he quickly regains himself and winds up his fist, headed for Grid's face.
Grid Shrike takes a blow from Whirlpool Lobster's Punch.
Dark Necrobat frowns, and reaches on his bandolier. Pulling off a grenade, he drops it to the left, while diving and rolling to the right. Going for the old distraction ploy to get things a bit more close and personal. Even without his fangs, he's going to do some biting tonight. That's what this combat knife's for.
Skyblade Eagle blinks a couple of times as the grenade lands near her, "Oh slag.." She gets up and gets running, diving into a ditch as the grenade takes out the car and spots she was in with a large explosion, "Just freaking great." She pops up, and fires off a few more shells from her shotgun, as she tries to get closer to where Lunar is hiding out at
Anthem eyes 'Timmy' a little more. "Y'know, despite the fact that I'm extremely mad at you right now, and the fact that I *know* you're really an annoying featherduster with an ego trip, I'm kinda reluctant to shoot a little kid in the face." Anthem slowly lowers the pistol. "It's no fun." At which point she takes a swipe to smack Timmy's already bleeding nose with the gun.
Grid Shrike's nose starts to bleed pretty severely. "Damn you, give me my radio!" He roundhouse kicks at the Nazi, severely angered by their lack of realization at how important it is he get his radio back.
Grid Shrike strikes Whirlpool Lobster with his Kick attack.
Broadcast Ocelot just plays around with the radio and such. Not much doing anything else at the moment.
Bit's bullet strikes Flare in the shoulder. He's startled about being shot, but even more startled on how real it felt. He grasps his shoulder "I guess its no different than the training facility" He scans above him to see who fired, and just sees a generic American soldier with a gun drawn at him, not one to waste any time he pulls his own gun and fires back.
You miss Bit with your Generic Ranged attack.
As the bullets flies to him, Bit quickly dives towards the hole, placing himself out of range. He then pulls himself out, running towards the otherside. He makes a dive at Flare Feline, holding the blunt end of the rifle to smack him with.
Whirlpool Lobster takes a kick to the side, sending him reeling and falling to the ground. He still hasn't gotten used to these legs. After getting up, he figures he may as well try /something/ with this... gun... He aims it towards Grid and pulls the trigger.
Bit strikes you with his Generic Melee for 2 units of damage.
Grid Shrike ducks and rolls under Whirlpool Lobster's Generic Ranged.
Decibel stands where Colonel and Sonata were - apparently they were able to get out. That's good. The only reploid in the joint, Decibel rubs his chin. Okay. Iris said that... and I was able to... so that means I SHOULD be able to.. Decibel's hand shifts. Ah. So I am, he thinks. Let's get King Marvel, folks.
A shaft of light surrounds Decibel. His pixels re-align themselves. The Bandroid rises into the air - the light fades.
Elvis has entered the building. "Uh huh. Let's go - strike one for ROCK'N'ROLL!"
Timmy yelps like a kicked puppy as he leaps backwards. The end of the Mauser grazes his nose, and that's more than enough for him. The child wails miserably, heartrendingly. "MOTHER! FATHER! HELLLLP!" That's funny...he sounded like Cyber a moment ago.
Hurricane Hawk was peaking over the car he's behind, so the divison doesn't work. He sees the human dive and levels a couple short beads of bullets in his direction before dropping behind the car again. "okay what's these things everyone is throwing??" he says to himself, glancing himself over... he sees the grenades, "Ah perfect." he says. A glance goes into the car looking for keys. Even opening the door before he gets in. A long look around, but of course they are above the sunscreen thing. He slides it down, starts the car and shifts it into.. reverse?! "Ack!" he says as the car lurches. "right, R doesn't mean race!" he puts it into drive and floors it, going in Dark's direction, problem is hawk's can't drive! HAWKS can't DRIVE!!! This could get ugly.
Grid Shrike freaks. He's just been shot at. It was a bad shot, but it was a shot nonetheless. "Oooooooh, I have to get home to Jessabelle and Annie! YOU CAN'T KEEP ME FROM MY FAMILY, YOU BASTARD!" As he pulls out the gun and fires it at the Nazi, tears, real tears stream down his cheecks. Oh bloody hell, Grid is taking this one /way/ too seriously.
Grid Shrike strikes Whirlpool Lobster with his Generic Ranged attack.
Pluto is too busy ripping into Leo to attempt to block the counterattack, and grits his pointed teeth as her claws shred into him as well, leaving gashes through his snow white fur. He backs up a bit, snarling, tail lashing through the air. "Power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely. And some of us -like- it that way!" He crosses his arms in front of him a moment, and then leaps at Leo again as he sweeps them out, lashing at her repeatedly with the blades of death.
Pluto strikes Leo with his Feline Frenzy attack.
Flare Feline is smacked in the face by the end of Bit's gun, he staggars back a few feet and shakes it off "...jerk! (or whatever jerk is in German, it probably isn't pleasent sounding)" He draws his hand back, ready to swipe at him with his claws... when he remembers he has no claws now. Since his hand is in the position for it, he hauls back and punches Bit.
You miss Bit with your Punch attack.
Ten looks about at the chaos. "Oh great! Well, the people wearing this tacky outfit are battling the people wearing that tacky outfit, so I guess Ishould start shooting at the people wearing that tacky outfit." She takes the assault rifle, points at an american soldier who happens to be Violen, and prepares to fire.
Whirlpool Lobster clambers back to a nearby tree, and gets shot in the back of the leg as he does so. "Great, as if it wasn't hard enough to run /before/." Upon reaching the tree, he spins around and levels his gun at the teary eyed soldier.
Grid Shrike takes a blow from Whirlpool Lobster's Generic Ranged.
Leo mmrrrrghs ... myriad slashmarks forming on her simulated armor. "If what you weilded was absolute power, Pluto, I might be impressed. As it sits, you are little more than an intergalactic child throwing a temper tantrum." She makes an odd choking noise. "A miserable brat with no constructive purpose ..." *choke* "And I have gotten sick of you." *choke* "Let me show you how sick ..." *choke*HWARK!*
Leo misses Pluto with her Acid Hairball attack.
The explosion is intense enough, and near enough to the Vixen that when it goes off, it punches into her from behind with sheer force, throwing her forward onto her face. While this conveniently takes her out of the way of her foe's field of fire, it offers her another, most unwanted gift. Drudging up from the ground, she coughs and chokes against a throat-clogging wad of grass and grunge, her face stained green and lips clung to with the shredded blades. Spitting with disgust, she lets a sickened scoff, "Oh no, oh no I don't think so." She pops up from the ditch, throwing her automatic weapon from her shoulder, and finding with a gaze like razors of ice the image of her enemy. She snaps, "Enough of this toying around. If you want me, HERE I AM!!" She starts into a run, and even in her human form, betrays an impressive speed, as if flames were lit under every footfall. Her weaponless arms are spread out to grapple, and should she get close enough to Skyblade, they swing out to embrace around her, as her helmet-protected head snaps forward to smack into the other hologram disguised reploid's.
Bit quickly steps himself towards the side with his right leg, avoiding the punch. But he also swings his right hand and left towards the arm that belongs to Feline. He swings his body to the left, attempting to hurl him towards the ground.
Bit strikes you with his Throw for 1 units of damage.
Dark Necrobat stares at the oncoming car, and blinks. "Oh...@#$*$**." With that, the 'American' soldier trails off into a string of uninteligible Chinese cursing. Throwing his rifle down, Dark turns and starts running, screaming for a nearby tree, hoping to leap and grab onto a branch. oO(Why couldn't that idiot have given us tanks...or just our normal forms...Aaaaugh!)Oo And a second too late, Dark is knocked backwards, bouncing off of the windshield and roof painfully.
Grid Shrike drops the gun as his right arm goes limp. "I won't let you stop me...Stupid Nazi...Stupid..." He's deranged now. He's breathing heavily. His face is contorted into a mass of hatred and anger. He takes out the knife and flips it deftly in his left hand as if he were a master with the object. He takes a few good warning slashes and begins to just go on. "You... you think you can justify genocide by your numbers... genocide... genocide... no... I have to go home... I have to go home... no... die!" And thrusts with the knife at the struggling Nazi.
Violen is looking around franticly. He seems a bit confused as the bullets wiz over his head. He then spots Ten and fumbles his rifle, "Oh...why did I have to inlist!?" He looks at Ten, then back at his rifle then to Ten again and tries fires off a shot, but it doesn't go anywhere but over the German.
Grid Shrike misses Whirlpool Lobster with his Generic Ranged attack.
Anthem isn't so easilly fooled as to fall for that one. Well, that and Anthem's in a really pissy mood, and normally is a bit of an evil witch. Scrambling to her feet, she tosses the pistol away. Unlike the other Repliforcers, she's quite used to a human body, though the balance on this one is way off from normal. Pulling back a fist, Anthem grins, through the little German mustache that was so lovingly given her. "Who's your Daddy? Beg for it, Maverick!"
Hurricane Hawk turns the wheel hard. The car, still being fully revedup, sprays dirt everywhere as the hawk/human does a full donut before getting it undercontrol, "HOW DO YOU STOP THIS THING?!?!" he yells in german as he screams back towards Dark.
Synth materializes as ... Zero. Yes, pretty blatantly, Zero. A young human male with long blonde-ish hair, without any armnaments and wearing plainclothes. She appears right beside the house...ignoring most everything as she moves around it, perplexed.
Skyblade Eagle throws her shotgun to the ground as she awaits the oncomming Lunar, "Let's go.." She's hit, letting out an oomph sound as she goes to the ground, grappling with Lunar even as she's headbutted, "Oof! Okay, bitch." She pulls back a fist and snaps it for Lunar's face
Flare Feline misses terribly with his punch and ends up being thrown on his back. "O....k, this isn't going well at all." He quickly jumps to his feet and turns to face him again. Normally he'd engage in battle banter, but that wouldn't be too effective here, so he just pulls his gun out and fires again at Bit.
You strike Bit with your Generic Ranged attack.
Techno casually pretends that the big Stardroid over there causing mass destruction has no relation to him whatsoever. The bot is well-built, he doesn't even have to say anything for the creature. He smirks, "I'm not up to anything! Look it over, those are Repliforce, those are Mavericks. I'm only here to watch." Although that is the one thing that would give him away, he's the only person that doesn't look like he belongs in this setting. The Repliforce Nazis, the Maverick Allies and then him.(until Synth pops up) It doesn't seem like Cyber Peacock is still fighting him for the scenario and Techno's's got free reign.
Dark Necrobat grunts and gets up, holding his head, which is bleeding. oO(Blood?)Oo Taking his bloodstained hand to his mouth, he promptly takes a test-taste. oO(Indeed. I'm full of delicious, warm, life-giving blood.)Oo Smiling oddly, he looks up a the screaming German, and tries leaping on top of the car this time, to grab the roof. Better than getting run-down again.
Tap tap tappin' on Anthem's shoulder...

"My my," mrrs a soft, haughty voice into the woman-Hitler's ear. "Beating on small, innocent children? What's next, attacking defenseless Stingrays?" Beat. "Wait, you've already done that." A leg is pulled back, and is cocked and released right for Hitler's butt. A leg that is scrawny, white, and currently in a blue boot with a yellow talon.

Elvis might be here, but the King of Cyberspace has arrived in all his glory.
Cyber Peacock transforms into Cyber Peacock.
Phoebus continues shooting maverick gumbies for now...muahaha
Pluto snares the hairball on one set of claws, and flings it aside with a snap of his arm. Some poor piece of virtual scenery ends up being dissolved instead, sizzling away to leave a hole into blackness, a void into the nowhere cyberspace exsists, it's very reality burnt away. Even in cyberspace, the Stardroids are the absolute of power. "Then allow me to enlighten you to my... power..." Pluto clenches his fists, and his optics narrow. Swirls of ice and frost mist around him, and then as he throws out his arms, the cold reach of death spreads from his form, freezing over everything in it's path as it surges towards Leo.
Pluto strikes Leo with his Hell Freezes Over attack.
Ten begins shooting at the american Violen. However, not a single shot connects. All of them go over the american's head, to his side, or otherwise don't hit. "Stupid ancient technology! There's no control! Oh, the worst part of all of this is this incredibly out of style outfit! I have got to give Cyber Peacock a fashion lesson! Oh, that guy up in the air has a slightly better outfit. Lucky him!"
Whirlpool Lobster notices that the soldier he is attacking is starting to look a little... less than fully aware. This is confirmed when the knife the soldier was holding *thunks* into the tree he's crouching behind. He hesitates for but a moment, debating the continuation of this fight, but then becomes hardened once again as he decides to take this fight closer. He runs up to the American and attempts a swift side kick to the gut.
Hurricane Hawk growls as the Bat gets up on the hood, "Nein!" he yells, he had hoped he would of hit the darn bat. well time to do like the movies, hold on Dark! The human/hawk just starts turning the wheel randomly.
Grid Shrike ducks and rolls under Whirlpool Lobster's Kick.
A loud boom emits as a shot of blood pops from his chest, causing him to drop towards the ground. He then groans as he stands up for a moment, coughing as he looks to Flare. He pulls out a pistol from his holster, while the other hand holds the chest. He releases the trigger, firing rounds at him.
Bit strikes you with his Generic Melee for 8 units of damage.
Grid Shrike deftly jumps over the leg in an almost superhuman display of agility, not unusual since this American soldier is more than human. Taking a large leap back, he dashes full force at the Nazi, psychoticly babbling all the time.
Grid Shrike misses Whirlpool Lobster with his Ram attack.
Lunar Vixen lets a mild grunt, herself, as both heads collided, yet hers wreaks more of vengeful satisfaction than pain. But in her dizziness, she is unable to discern the blurr rushing at her face, and with a spray of blood and saliva, the rows of knuckles slam in right under the plastic of her goggles. Her head jerks back and she rolls off of Skyblade in befuddling pain, her nose oozing a steady stream of that strange red filling Human's have. "Maker... my face, what.. what is this throbbing in my face??" She lifts a hand under a nostril, and dabs fingertips into the building crimson stream. Lifting it before her eyes, she beholds the evidence in horror, shouting, "I AM BLEEDING!!" The anguish becomes nothing, and even the flesh wound that is torn through her upper arm shows nothing but irrelevance in competition with her rage. She spins around to face the still fallen Skyblade, and reaches out to catch the girl by her feet. Should she succeed, she begins to drag her through the grasses, not for any effect of damage, merely sheer dirty, uncomfortable annoyance, while hissing with a corrosive venom, "YOU made me BLEED!"
Anthem tumbles head over heels, right past the kid who is apperantly now just a system sprite and *not* Cyber Peacock. Swearing ensues. "Alright, that was cheap." She puts up her little human fists, then looks at them. ".....Right, you're metal now, that ain't gonna work, is it?" .oO(Problem. Big problem.)Oo.
When the freezing mist finally settles, dispersing into the gunsmoke-filled atmosphere ... there is only a statue ... an ice sculpture. leonine in shape, wielding a mighty circular blade ... for a moment it is still ... then cracks form, a splintering spiderweb of imperfections ... then the ice shatters, scattering to the four winds, as Leo roars in anger. "I have said it before, and I shall say it again, snow cat ... I. Am. Not. Impressed!" She rushes forward, the Lion's Claw hovering over her hand, spiralling rapidly, the air whistling as she swings her arm at Pluto, the Claw mimicking her motions, swinging down like a buzzsaw on crack ...
Leo strikes Pluto with her Lion's Claw attack.
Pluto falls to the ground, unconscious, due to massive systems damage.
Synth stops in front of the porch. (Using he from now on) "...what're you doing?" he demands, fixing his eyes on Techno. He blinks when he detects Cyber entering the system ... and turns to look that direction.
Dark Necrobat snarls and grabs the sides of the car's roof as best he can. As Hawk whirls the wheel around, Dark is flung like a rag doll, eventually ending up on his back, looking crucified on the roof. "Ow! Damnit! Ow! Freakin Nazi!" he sneers. He'll wait a bit to try anything but just hanging on, and enjoy the sight of a bloody Lunar Vixen's face passing by again and again. oO(I can't believe I'm almost dizzy. How odd.)Oo
Violen grimaces and throws his gun down, "Forget that." He eyes Ten and walks up to her...yes unarmed. He quirks his head to the left and growls, "Alright. Let's settle this the old fashioned way." He puts up his fists and jabs at the German!
Whirlpool Lobster spins to the side and lets Grid run by him. As he does so, Whirl takes out the knife on his uniform and attempts to put its blade into the soldier's leg. If he can immoblize the deranged soldier, maybe he can end this fight.
Violen strikes Ten with his Punch attack.
Grid Shrike takes a blow from Whirlpool Lobster's Generic Melee.
Grid Shrike goes down.
Skyblade Eagle doesn't feel like getting dirty today. She pulls her feet away from Lunar, and gets up, "Yeah, I did. What are you gonna do about it?" She assumes a fighting position, "Come on, bitch.
Now... what always happens with people that don't know how to drive but they go crazy in it? They flip the car. The human/hawk turns the wheel just a bit to hard and off it goes... rolling,rolling,rolling, raw-*WHAP* ow. Anywway Hurricane inside didn't put his seatbelt on, "Ow ack ow OWCH," and other similar sounds can be heard from inside.
Flare Feline gets shot again, this time in the lower stomach area. Flare winces "If I were a real human I'd probably be dead now, of course, I could still end up that way if the fight continues like this..." Flare shrugs and deicdes to make a desperate move, he charges and rams Bit, planning to knock him down and hopefully turn the tables a bit.
You miss Bit with your Ram attack.
Skyblade Eagle doesn't feel like getting dirty today. She pulls her feet away from Lunar, and gets up, "Yeah, I did. What are you gonna do about it?" She assumes a fighting position, "Come on, bitch." Of course, all this is said in German, but it sounds mean spirited. She steps forward and turns, spinning her foot for Lunar's head. Looks like all that martial arts training is actualy going to prove useful for once..
Grid Shrike gets a knife in his leg, and falls down, in pain. But he's not going to give up. He tears the knife out of the bloody leg, howling in pain all the time. His psychotic babbling doesn't cease, and he chucks the knife at the Nazi. "DIE, DAMN YOU!"
Grid Shrike misses Whirlpool Lobster with his Generic Ranged attack.
Midi folds his arms across his chest and looks over his brother carefully. He already knows that Pluto is his brother's creation for there is few that could create such a program as that. Still his face turns into a gentle smile as if accepting this. True Midi is nieve and foolish for the most parts but he knows his brother's work. And question? Who really has real control of the program? For Midi continues to hack away at the program forcing his way in. Ever so slowly he turns to the fight and giggles childishly. "You failed Techno. Your creation did not survive and I am here to..." He sighs trying to get the courage to continue his words. "To bring you in. Come on."
Ten is struck pretty hard by the large american's punch. She staggers back a bit, and has trouble keeping her footing. However, she is not seriously hurt. She looks up and says, "Ah, an enemy with honor. I'm going to enjoy this!" Ten steps forward and sends her foot flying toward the enemy soldier.
Cyber Peacock is cackling softly as he spreads out his arms, hovering upwards slowly. Stopping at a foot off the ground, the peacock can only smirk down at Anthem. "That's right, Repliforcer," he croons. "I am me, and you are but some piddly little tyrannical human out of a history book with a silly little mustache." The pale face flinches a little at the number of intrusions he's trying to deal with, and off in the distance, a rumble like thunder can be heard. The sky darkens.

.oO(Losing system integrity...either this goes offline, or the entire mainframe does...)

He snaps his attention back to Anthem. "You are so eager to hurt me," he remarks. "I thought your job was 'serve and protect'. Some protection job...you let me snag Colonel so very easily...," he taunts.
Ten misses Violen with her Kick attack.
Whirlpool Lobster moves his head to the side slightly, the bloody knife sailing over his shoulder. "This fight is over. Stand down and you can go." The thought of not being able to understand him didn't strike him at that moment.
Dark Necrobat gets eyes as big as Cyber's ego as the Car begins to turn. As the ground comes up, with car underneath him, he cries out in fear in a tiny, tiny voice. "Crap."

And then the ground hits with a mighty crunch. Many times. Dark's head is bounced off of the roof again and again, without even a chance to let go. But soon the choices is made, as his body's flung during a rollover. Seems the car hit something else on it's path. And Necrobat is airborne, right into the upper branches of a tree.
'Zero' scowls. He vanishes in a whirling column of crimson light, reappearing a few feet from Cyber clad in his scarlet armour, a crackling green energy blade held in his hands. "What're you up to now, Maverick?" he demands.
Phoebus sends a radio transmission.
Phoebus sends you a tightbeam radio transmission: "might want to keep some distance between you and Bit. He's more of a swordsman."
Lunar observes Skyblade's assumed stance with a level of confusion, such an official posture foreign to her, as she has only ever been exposed to combat of the energy-slinging sort. She isn't entirely sure of what her german-blathering opponent is doing, whether it be a threatening manuver or some form of interpretive dance. When the leg suddenly swings up, audibly cutting through the air, the message becomes clear. She shouts with the urgency of her necessity to act, and simply drops at the knee to avoid it. It passes over harmlessly, and she rises immediatly back into a stance, thrusting a finger to point under her nose, "I said I'm BLEEDING! Don't you understand?? Go fetch me some bandages and bactine before I develope an infection!" To add incentive, she slings out with a hand, aiming to strike at Skyblade's face with a bitter slap.
[OOC] Broadcast Ocelot returns to OOCness.
Broadcast Ocelot has left.
Anthem grunts back, looking around for an opening of some kind. "Piss off, I'm not gonna listen to you tell me how to do my job. I don't need your idiotic jibber-jabber..." And, just as she flashes briefly on Mr. T, an opening presents itself. Diving to the side, Anthem grabs hold of the nearest weapon. A... lawn chair. "So bring it!" Anthem waves the lawn chair threateningly.
Bit leaps up into the air, placing his hands towards Flare's back as he rolls. He pushes his hands up, ascending him towards the skies to land to the ground. He then runs towards Flare Feline, springing to the air with a roundhouse kick at Flare's back.
Bit strikes you with his Kick for 1 units of damage.
Violen backs up as the foot sweeps by. He smirks and gruffly shouts something in bad english and grabs at the foot. With a big smile, he wants to take said foot and throw Ten off of her feet and onto the ground where she would be at a disadvantage. After all, there's no such thing as a fair fight.
Hurricane Hawk drags his battered body out of the car... the door had flung off since he hadn't locked it.... "ow... now I know what a postal package feels like.." he groans in german as he gets out. Forehead bleeding from some cut he got in the wreck...
Violen misses Ten with his Throw attack.
Skyblade Eagle is slapped, but her arm blocks most of the force of the slap. She smirks faintly, and grabs hold of Lunar's arm...Realizing that Lunar can't understand what she's saying, she decides to give her an easier message, by gripping the arm and twisting, to hip toss Lunar to the ground
Pluto arrrrghs as the blades rip into him, shredding through virtual fur and armor. Had he been less than another Stardroid, the attack would of surely been much more fatal. As is, the snowkitty is only rendered out of the fight, collapsing to his side, panting, eyes narrowed at Leo. "Again... again... why is it always... like this... so close... but then the balance always shifts back... niether Order or Chaos able to overpower the other completely..." Pluto's form wavers, and flickers away, turning back into the mere kitty Techno had created it from.
Flare Feline is kicked to the ground, not hurt, but with a bruised ego. He stands up, looking quite aggrivated "Alright, no more Mr.Nice-nazi..." He feels around in his pocket and pulls out a knife, hey it's sharp so it'll have to subsitute for his missing claws. He charges at Bit and slashes at him with it.
You miss Bit with your Generic Melee attack.
Dark Necrobat hangs uncerimoniously draped over a brance. "Dang crappy American cars..." he says dazedly. "Wait...I'm American. Damn imports." he whines, trying to get his bearings back, and instead throwing up from motion sickness. oO(Well that's rather new. Never had this sort of...BLAAARGH! Before...how utterly hum-BLARRRRRGH!)Oo
Hurricane Hawk just drags himself away, after being on top of a rolling car he figures that american HAS to be injured badly... "dang... stupid.. That was not smart... ow..."
Techno slams his hand on the computer desk in real life as he watches Pluto lose the battle, "Dammit!!!!!!!!" He underestimated his brother. He actually got good in the time that they were separated. And somehow, he always knew it would happen. He collects the files he stole from the Maverick mainframe and stores them past a firewall.

In cyberspace, Techno is very cool and calm and collected. "I don't think so bro. I didn't lose... I got just what I wanted." Smirking yet again, since that's what he does best, he gives his brother the one-fingered salute. "See ya later bro!"
Ten manages to bring her foot back in time to avoid being tossed. She puts the gun away behind her, and prepares for some fistcuffs. "You know, this is a strange way to battle, but I'm enjoying it!" Ten dahes forward and atempts to punch the american right in the chest.
Ten strikes Violen with her Punch attack.
Leo hmphs as the Lion's Claw slowly decelerates, its rotation coming to an end. "There must be balance, Snow Cat. No matter which side would win, Order or Chaos, it would result in the destruction of all. A universe of total order ... stagnant, immobile, dead. A universe of total chaos ... random, without form or function, simply scattered molecules. No ... both sides must give to the other, lest both sides perish ..."
Cyber Peacock actually deigns to land on the ground now, one optic ridge arched. "A /lawn chair/," he remarks. "You do realize that is like fighting a forest fire with a wet towel." He's got quite a few feet on Anthem, and the Maverick just smirks. As fast as a snake, his hand lunges forward for her throat, prepared to lift her up to his level.
There is a shout of initial pain as the Maverick Vixen is grappled, then a second, stronger cry as she's flipped like a doll in one brisk manuver. When she lands, she lets a groan of soreness, unaccustomed to such meager impact inducing such a sensory overload. Her tolerance wanes, and an internal itching in her fists urges her to retaliate with nothing but raw, savage rage. She whips her arm free of Skyblade's, kicking up to a stance as her fingers ball into a fist. In one crushing gesture, she spins on the balls of her feet to land a punch in the human-guised Repliforcer's face.
Pluto has left.
Phoebus(Phoebe) pages: ignore that radio btw. forgot stuff
'Zero' narrows his eyes and whirls his blade around in a circle...before lunging right at Cyber, taking a two-handed slash for his back. Whether he even gets that far is questionable, of course...
Bit leaps back from the swiping of the knife. Bit then runs toards Feline as he says, "Die you nazi scum!!" He glares, staggering a bit as he runs at the Nazi. He steps forward with a punch towards his cheek.
Bit strikes you with his Punch for 1 units of damage.
Dark Necrobat pulls himself into a sitting position, and decides to grab his binoculars to observe things for a while. It's better than going another round with that car. Getting a slight inspiration, he grabs his walkie-talkie, and sends out a message.
Whirlpool Lobster moves his head to the side slightly, the bloody knife sailing over his shoulder. "This fight is over. Stand down and you can go." The thought of not being able to understand him didn't strike him at that moment. (repose)
Skyblade Eagle is smacked hard, getting knocked back, and rubbing her cheek, "Okay, that one stung." She looks towards Lunar, "Yes, allow your rage to build. It makes you weak. You can't concentrate. You will lose to me. I have better training in this kind of situation.." She then smirks, "And, I still have one of my guns." She whips out that Colt 1911 that she had tucked away earlier, and aims at the Vixen, "Night night." She fires.
Dark Necrobat sends a radio transmission.
Cyber Peacock receives a radio transmission.
Flare Feline staggars back from the punch to the jaw "...ow!" Is all he abruptly says, and he decides to take a swing at Bit himself.
You miss Bit with your Punch attack.
Hurricane Hawk just pulls himself to his feet. He still has all his grenades too! fancy that. A long look goes around the field... now where is she, can't miss that hair at all....
Bit ducks the punch towards the face. He then draws his right leg back as his body presses back, as if he is getting ready for a charge. He then presses himself forward, launching his head at Flare's chest.
Bit strikes you with his Ram for 4 units of damage.
Techno sends a radio transmission to Cyber Peacock.
Cyber Peacock receives a radio transmission from Techno.
Cyber Peacock sends a radio transmission.
Dark Necrobat receives a radio transmission.
The Flying Elvis floats over to the embattled Hitler, figuring the representation to mean or signify some kind of rank. And then there's the Peacock, who is himself once more. .
Flare Feline gets the wind knocked out of him, and steps back. "I'm not liking how this is going..." He takes his gun out again and fires at Bit, aiming for a vital spot, not that it matters in this virtual environment.
You strike Bit with your Generic Ranged attack.
Cyber Peacock sends a radio transmission to Techno.
Techno receives a radio transmission.
Grid Shrike braces himself against a nearby stone fortification and pulls himself up. "...Aaa..." He attempts to limp over to the German, but then falls again. He is collapsed in the mud, bleeding out the wazoo. He can't move, he only grunts his psychotic babble.
The second successful shot aimed at Lunar Vixen, this one impossible to avoid. It passes through her chest with tearing affect, pushing out through her back, and heaving through her with enough force to knock her to her knees. She gropes at her wound, her voice choked and unable to slip free of her clutching throat as she experiences the abysmal agony of her fatal wound. Again, she fishes out one of those odd looking eggs, and as she pops it's pin with her thumb, she lunges forward, aiming to hug her arms around Skyblade's legs, with grenade in hand. With nothing but a shallow, blood drowned whisper, she manages to speak, "If I go, you're coming with me."
Violen is clipped by the punch and staggers a bit. He looks back at the German and shakes it off, rearing back witht he momentum and springing forward for a head butt! He shouts, "It is fun, isn't it!?" With that, the head flashes forward in all-american wrestling glory!
Dark Necrobat smirks, and promptly swings down via a branch, landing gracefully on the ground. Though he's in a human body, seems like he's retained a good bit of his normal agility. Smiling in an evil fashion, occasionally holding the back of his head, Dark begins running towards the area indicated, on an intercept course. Seems there's an invader that's not a Nazi.
Whirlpool Lobster sends a radio transmission to Phoebus.
Phoebus receives a radio transmission from Whirlpool Lobster.
Anthem saw an attack coming. Granted, with a human body (and not a very fit one at that), dodging is hard, but there is the fortunate presence of the lawn chair to tip the balance. Namely, Anthem's balance, which has her fall over backwards and out of the way. Struggling to stay out of the sharp beak's reach, Anthem tries to figure out an escape. .oO(I'm gonna get myself killed like this. Decibel can change, Sonata can change, there's apperantly somebody who can make themself look like Zero over there... I've got to figure out a way to take control. Cyber's probably working to stop everything I could do and head off anything I try, so I've got to do something totally unexpected and insane, that the bird would *never* see coming!)Oo. Rolling backwards to her feet, Anthem raises the lawn chair up in preparation. "I call upon the great teachings of the ancient and revered Tibetian Furniture Warriors!" She leaps forward, keeping the chair held at the ready by her side... and at the last moment, swings it upwards while screaming! "RISING CHAIR FIRE!" .oO(I feel like such a dweeb.)Oo. Granted, this probably does nothing at all, except make Anthem look stupid, but, hey, if it *could* erupt into a collumn of flame behind the lawn chair, it'd be worth the stupidity!
Techno sends a radio transmission to Cyber Peacock.
Cyber Peacock receives a radio transmission.
Violen misses Ten with his Generic Melee attack.
Phoebus stays in cover. This is a friggin world war 2 simulation... so why go in close when he can stay -far- away and shoot people with relatively safety than those out in the open. So he points his 'gun' and fires at Violen quite randomly because he's just 'sniping' random gumbies anyway...course...nobody can tell the difference between who is a gumbie and who isn't. Oh, and all the he's are she's, but we all probably realize that by now :D.
Cyber Peacock sends a radio transmission.
Techno receives a radio transmission.
Phoebus misses Violen with his Generic Ranged attack.
The gunfire makes a loud pop as it ignites with his head, causing him to drop back. Bit then growls as he steps back. "The virtual reality world is neat in it's way......" He twitches towards the headache, running towards Flare as he pulls a knife, lunging it to his guts.
Bit misses you with his Generic Melee attack.
Midi is crying at his computer, gazing at the screen through blurry optics. Sniffling softly he wipes his eyes with the back of his hand trying to get ahold of himself. He is anything but in control in real life, yet he continues to gain control of the program. He has won, yet he is anything but happy. "I just want my brother back..." He whispers softly at the screen yet is only comforted with endless code.

In this world Midi is calm as calm can be. Stepping closer the little h4X0r just shakes his head. "I am sorry Techno but I can't let you go. I will find you and bring you to justice." He frowns quietly infront of his brother as he also begins to tap into the various logins, trying to crack Techno's location.
Flare Feline jumps back, just barely dodging Bit's strike, and he draws his own knife and decides to stab the American in the back.
You strike Bit with your Generic Melee attack.
Techno sends a radio transmission to Cyber Peacock.
Cyber Peacock receives a radio transmission.
Skyblade Eagle blinks a couple of times, "Umm, not today." She quickly bends down and picks up the grenade, "Gotta get rid of this..." She turns, and hurls the grenade in a random direction...Which happens to be right towards Dark Necrobat..
Whirlpool Lobster sees his opponent lay on the ground. "I said the fight was ended, and I ment it." He begins to walk away, though he has an urge to help the man before he bleeds to death. He looks around to see what else is happening on this battlefield.
Grey optics flicker over his shoulder. As if on cue, 'Zero' will find that there's an American soldier (read, Maverick gumby) leaping to tackle Synth to the ground. Cyber hisses in pain as the sabre rakes down his back anyway, burning and singeing his poor tailfeathers. The real-world Cyber frowns. "Robot Master signature," he grumbles quietly before falling silent again. Back in the virtual world, he can only gawp at Anthem.

"...there is something in that coffee of yours besides the caffeine, must be," he comments. Surprisingly, the chair...sputters and sparks in her hands. The peacock frowns, and pulls out...the hentacle. But it's not aimed for Hitler, no no. Let's not start a lemon fic here. Instead, it's for the chair, to try and flick it out of her hands.
Ten manages to dive to the side in time to avoid the attempted tackle. .oO(Ah, so this is why I spent all that time training!)Oo. Quickly, the tall german woman lashes out with her feet, attempting to trip the american. Just then, she notices the bullets flying passed. Her human face takes on a human expression of worry. .oO(Uh oh, hope those were from somebody on my side!)Oo.
*BOOM* Virtual chunks spread about with shrapnel as the body of Cyber Dark goes flying, the torso destroyed. And at the same time, Dark's grenades go off, adding to the explosion's size. He didn't even get a chance to think. He's gone.
Ten strikes Violen with her Generic Melee attack.
Bit is stabbed towards the back, growling as he stumbles forward. He pants for a moment, growling as the blood splatters. The eyes twitches until it gives an angered expression. His eyes shifts back to Flare Feline, snapping his fist back to give him a backhand towards the head.
Cyber Peacock sends a radio transmission.
Techno receives a radio transmission from Cyber Peacock.
Bit misses you with his Punch attack.
[OOC] Bit says, "Much b----NOOOOOOOOO!!!"
[OOC] Whirlpool Lobster mocks Bit.
Dark Necrobat has disconnected.
Violen oofs as he hits the ground, his own weight causing most of the damage. The bullet wizzes over head. He looks to where the shot came from and grabs the rifle he had discarded while he's on the ground. He smirks and fires at Pheobus, hoping to hit him or at least hit near him to sare him off.
Violen strikes Phoebus with his Generic Ranged attack.
Flare Feline sees the punch coming *cue slow motion sequence* Flare takes a few steps back as the hand comes short of hitting his face, Flare gives a sneer, lifts his leg back, and kicks Bit in the.. well... knickers :) *end slow motion sequence*
Anthem gets the chair knocked away, and Anthem/Hitler lands. "Shoot!" A moment of swearing starts... then she realizes. "Hey, wait, that almost worked!" An extremely evil smile crosses her face. The fun has just started. Clenching both fists again, she cackles. "Now the playing field's a little more even."
You strike Bit with your Kick attack.
"Damn," Is all Lunar can muster as her last-bid attack is stolen from her weak fingertips. She coughs up a clot of blood onto Skyblade's boots, her flesh going pale. She grits her jaw in defiance of her waning digital health, "When I get back to reality, I'm going to make you suffer for this disgrace... urk.." Lunar's head collapses against Skyblade's legs, her arms now limp around her. A brief pause, and Lunar then lifts her head, regarding Skyblade with a scowl, "Go elsewhere. This isn't like the movies, you know, bleeding to death takes time, and your staring isn't speeding things along."
Grid Shrike will most certainly bleed to death if not helped, or at least get infected and then die.
Bit bends down hard, groaning as the pain strikes him. He drops towards both knees, placing his hands downward as he twitches. "Ughh....ghhh...." He twitches, pulling out the pistol again, aiming towards Feline. "Die..Nazi..." He pulls the trigger.
Bit misses you with his Generic Ranged attack.
'Zero' lands, about to make a recovery swing when he detects the gumbie. In a blur of motion, he drops to something akin to a one-armed pushup stance, looping his flared boots around the inside of the soldiers' legs and knocking him to the ground. In the same motion, he stands brings his sword down and slashes him in two - lightsabers are fun in WWII situations. Wasting no time, he whirls around and goes after Cyber once more, face twisted with vengeful rage. He kick-dashes into the air and throws all the momentum he can squeeze out of his charge into one vicious downward arc...
[OOC] Bit says, "GAH!!!!"
Hurricane Hawk finally catches sight of Skyblade and begins jogging in her direction, "Sky!" he says in German.
Flare Feline barely sidesteps the ill-aimed bullet, then lifts his leg again and spin kicks Bit in the head. (Woo, showoff time!)
The Flying Elvis floats over to the embattled Hitler, figuring the representation to mean or signify some sort of Rank in the Repliforcer. And then there's the Peacock, who is himself once more ...hm.
"Let's shake, rattle 'n'roll here, uh huh, uh huh." Suddenly, any support the Elvis had is cut, and The King Of Rock and Roll comes dropping out of the sky - making to land on Peacock like a cow always lands on a certain worm.

Phoebus steps a bit to the side, seeing Violen raise the weapon, but he's still clipped in the arm... He blinks...and then fires again. Jerk.
Decibel misses Cyber Peacock with his Ram attack.
You strike Bit with your Kick attack.
Phoebus strikes Violen with his Generic Ranged attack.
Skyblade Eagle looks down at Lunar, "Yeah yeah." She smirks, and twirls her pistol around. She starts to wander off, before she turns and kicks some dirt into Lunar's face, holstering the pistol and looking over towards Hurricane, "One second." She turns and puts a round through another American troop's face, before she looks back towards Hurricane. "What do you need?"
Hurricane Hawk shakes his head, "Just.. seeing if you're alright." he says wiping the crimson from his brow. "I'm Hurricane."
Skyblade Eagle nods, "I figured as much." She smirks a little, "Well, lets see, that's three Mavericks down so far...I'm doing better in here than I do normaly." She turns, and draws a bead on another Maverick, firing a couple of shots, before reloading, "No time for idle chat, though...We've got Mavericks to take out."
"Wonderful," Lunar thinks to herself as she sees the pair coming together. She begins to drag herself across the battlefield, miraculously, evading being trampled or caught in a random explosion as digitized reploids engage in battle all around. A trail of scarlette stains her wake, oozing from her chest, and dripping from her lips. Slow and steady in her progress for cover, she snaps through her pain, "Courtesy is severely lacking in this era. Even the dying can not easily find a quiet place without molestation.
Ten sees the american she was fighting having a shooting match with one of her fellow germans. .oO(I'd better pull out of this battle. It would be dishonorable to double team him. Wait a minute, what happens if we die here? We could be permanently deleted! What if that other person dressed like me is somebody I really care about? For all I know, it could be Chi!)Oo. Ten's human face shows desperation as the need to help her friend overrides the need for honor. She charges toward the american and attempts to slam into him, feeling a need to act fast.
Hurricane Hawk nods once, "Have another gun? I need one." he asks her, he left his rifle in the car.
Ten misses Violen with her Ram attack.
Whirlpool Lobster, after seeing not too much, squints his eyes, and identifies one of the fighters as Flare. He runs over to his area and stops when he sees Flare locked in combat with an American soldier.
Grid Shrike is dead from infection.
Skyblade Eagle reaches behind her, and pulls out another 1911, twirling it, before she hands it handle first to Hurricane, "Point and shoot, not too hard." She gives him an extra clip, and then smiles, "Seeya again on the outside." With that, she takes off across the battlefield..
Hurricane Hawk takes off in another direction, "Seig heil!" .oO(the heck?) he shrugs it off and starts charging US troops.
Grid Shrike enters the Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945.
Grid Shrike has left.
Cyber Peacock is not a worm. Well...only in the personality department. The thin Elvis lands about a foot away from the Maverick, and he blinks, one optic ridge arched. "Idiot," he remarks to Decibel. "If you were going to fall on me, use the /fat/ Elvis. Any fool knows that." He snorts in disgust before he looks to 'Zero', and then to Anthem.

He's surrounded by the three most disliked people in his mind: Zero, Elvis and Hitler. .oO(...this is not 'gangbang the Peacock' day, dammit.) His head snaps around to 'Zero', and he opens his hand at the faux Hunter. "Freeze," is all he says as his System Lag rolls off of his hand like thick, clear syrup towards Synth. Anthem gets a dirty look in the meantime before he screeches,

"You will not win! I won't let you!" He draws a breath to spit out: "Welcome to MY world, bitch!"
Bit is knocked upside the head hard, flying towards the ground. He lands to the ground face first, growling in pain. He turns to face Feline, stepping forward with a punch towards the gut.
Bit strikes you with his Punch for 6 units of damage.
Violen turns just in time to see ten charging. Unfortunately, the bullet he ISN'T paying attention to tags him in the shoulder. He growls in pain then duks behind some sand bags, protecting himself from the sniper fire for a brief moment, giving him a chance to take came of whoever is charging him! He growls, "Stay DOWN!" He rolls out of the way letting the German's run be useless other than to give him an open front to attack. He stands from behind and clasps his hands to hammer his point home on the back of her head.
Techno already has stayed too long, but taunting Cyber is so much fun. He fails to notice Midi tracking his logins until it is almost too late. But now Midi has to figure out all the forwarding from nearly every part of the globe. If anyone could do it, Midi could though. Shaking his finger at Midi, Techno tsks, "Nuhuhuh...." A black cloud rises from the ground at Techno's feet, his surroundings, the data around him turning a puce green, a very sick green. Throwing his arm towards Midi, the cloud arcs over to the other hacker.
Leo remains immobile for some time, her duty done ... then vanishes, without a trace ... <Game Over. User Wins.>
[OOC] Leo returns to OOCness.
Leo has left.
Violen misses Ten with his Generic Melee attack.
Techno strikes Midi with his Data Corruption attack.
Flare Feline groans as Bit connects (finally) with a punch to the gut, but this is what Flare was waiting for, before Bit steps back, Flare grabs his knife and brings it down on Bit's back.
You miss Bit with your Generic Melee attack.
Phoebus shoots at Violen again...sheesh...why isn't this guy going down?...a bullet should take down a human easily...at least...stop the fight...well, one more oughta do it.
Phoebus misses Violen with his Generic Ranged attack.
Bit notices the knife this time and side step as he twists his body to the left. He then plunges the knife towards the back of the Nazi with full force.
Bit misses you with his Generic Melee attack.
Skyblade Eagle fights her way through the various troops, headded for Cyber, since he isn't too hard to miss now...Oh yeah, she's pissed at that damn Peacock..Whatever happened to risidual self image like in the movie? She reloads her handgun as she heads towards him..
Flare Feline ducks the knife strike, and decides to copy one of Bit's moves, he rams his head up into Bit's chest
You strike Bit with your Ram attack.
You rebound off of Bit, taking 4 units of damage.
Hurricane Hawk decides that Skyblade has the right idea. Another shot fired and he heads the peacock's way. At the moment, he doesn't like the guy very much either.
'Zero' crashes into the stream of lag. The shifting, gel-like 'air' binds to him, soaking the fabric of his incarnation and turning him into a hazy, blurred, slow-moving specter. He tries to hack through it ... but the fog maintains it's grip.
Bit is rammed towards the ground, growling. As he lands to the ground, he quickly draws his hand to grab Flare's shoulders, only to push his legs up to press Flare off of him in an attempt to toss him.
Bit strikes you with his Throw for 2 units of damage.
Flare Feline is thrown back a few feet, he grogily stands up, head spinning from the ram and the impact of the throw. He whips his gun out again and fires at Bit.
You miss Bit with your Generic Ranged attack.
Ten manages to duck and roll out of pure instinct, the hammer passing over her harmlessly. She quickly stands back up, and looks toward her adversary. She reaches back, and draws the assault rifle strapped to her back. .oO(I know it's dishonorable, but I just can't risk lettinganybody I care about get killed here when I don't know what will happen.)Oo. Ten takes aim and pulls the trigger, clearly not enjoying doing so.
Bit rolls himself away from the firing gun, springing himself back up. He growls as he runs towards the creature, springing up at him with a tackle. "Die you evil Nazi scum!!"
Ten misses Violen with her Generic Ranged attack.
Bit misses you with his Ram attack.
[OOC] Bit says, "NOOOOO!!"
Whirlpool Lobster(Whirl) pages: I think this fight is going well just to see Bit spaz out about missing so much. :D
Flare Feline sidesteps the charge, and aims his gun at Bit again and fires... and nothing comes out. "Damn, it's outta ammo." Flare shrugs and throws the gun at the back of Bit's head.
You miss Bit with your Generic Ranged attack.
Violen is just dancing around these bullets somehow. The large Amaerican staggers between them actually, just tryng to survive. Holding the rifle in his right hand, he kisses it - a superstiscious action, but hopefully it will work. He falls onto his back and grasps the rifle in his hand, firing rounds at Ten.
Violen strikes Ten with his Generic Ranged attack.
Bit quickly ducks the gun being thrown at him. He peers towards Flare as he insists on remain standing. Bit clenches his fist, getting ready to put an end to Flare Feline. He then runs towards Flare, holding the pistol. He turns it over and swings the blunt end of the pistol to his head.
Bit misses you with his Generic Melee attack.
[OOC] Hurricane Hawk just laughs.
[OOC] Whirlpool Lobster says, "Flare's a speedy one, he is."
Midi slams his fist down at his computer as he yells defeat. All his work on searching for Techno has been corrupted. He is going to have to restart everything from scratch. It can be done but it takes time and time is not what he has. Luckily he still has most of control of the programming but it could easily be taken away due to him multitasking. Frowning at his screen he begins typing something into his computer. "Vaccine always cures Virus and I am the Vaccine brother."

Backing away slowly, Midi winces in pain at his brother attack. Waving his hand in the air a sudden glare of light forms over his body, destroying the dark cloud that hovers over him. The light continues to grow until it reaches towards Techno. "You will not go away that quickly brother."
Anthem waits a few moments as the lag starts to envelop Zero... and then cackles. "Pretty crappy world! You don't look a *thing* like your dad! What, the milkman borrowed Sonic for a while to make you?" Snickering, Anthem quickly formulates her next unexpected attack avenue. If the chair thing sorta worked, something even less rational should do the trick. So, what does she do? Anthem leaps forward, and holds her arms out, elbows forward. If this worked, they would be popping open to reveal a rather unlikely hidden assortment of chainguns. And as any Big Guy and Rusty fan knows, there is a line that goes here - Anthem is kind enough to supply it. "Who wants some PIE!?"
Midi strikes Techno with his Defensive Program attack.
Phoebus notices Violen continue shooting which upsets Phoebus a great deal... he's supposed to shoot things a lot...and violen is big...he's really messing up today. He points towards Violen's...stomachy area...and shoots again...Die darnit...die...stupid american..er...Maverick...right...Maverick.
Phoebus misses Violen with his Generic Ranged attack.
Flare Feline crouches to avoid the strike, and grabs his knife and quickly stabs Bit in the lower gut.
[OOC] Phoebus says, "darn my breasts, they are making me miss."
You miss Bit with your Generic Melee attack.
[OOC] Cyber Peacock chokes.
[OOC] Flare Feline says, "Your breasts are making me miss too :)"
[OOC] Hurricane Hawk says, "lol"
[OOC] Midi facepalms.
[OOC] Phoebus is going to get you for that when we get out of here, flare feline...double training sim duty.
So..he wants to stab Bit eh? Why won't this kitty die!!?!? Bit decides to play rough as he quickly pushes forward and to an angle, lifting his knee up to strike at Flare's gut with authority.
Bit strikes you with his Kick for 1 units of damage.
Ten is slightly grazed by one of the american's bullets. Luckily, it does almost no harm, just a minor skin injury. .oO(Gee, I haven't managed to hit him with a single bullet! Think, girl! There be something... That's it!)Oo. Ten runs toward the american when the bullet storm pauses and swings the gun at him like a naginata. She looks noticeably happier as she does.
Ten strikes Violen with her Generic Melee attack.
Flare Feline pushes Bit off of him, as he staggars back. He reaches into his left holster and pulls out... his other gun! (he had to remember?) He aims at Bit, and fires.
You miss Bit with your Generic Ranged attack.
Violen stumbles, getting out of the way of another bullet. Then he winces as the butt of the gun comes down on his neck. It doesn't hurt all that much but he's not happy about it. He grunts and suddenly busts out with his explosive power combined with a fair amount of speed for a guy his size. Though, he doesn't go toward Ten, he moves towar Phoebus, closing the gap by running and firing at the german to lay suppression fire for his route.
Cyber Peacock is seemingly pleased now that 'Zero' is occupied. The optics flicker up to note the turning tide of Nazis. "Hell's bells," he grumbles before snapping his eyes back to Anthem and her...pair of Magnums. Well, she's getting better at it, and he's getting tired. The Maverick stifles a curse. "No thank you," he snipes at her. "I am watching my weight."

His actions are sluggish now, and back in the Lunar Computer Core, his real body puffs out a scorched-scented plume of smoke. He's starting to short from the work he's doing. Time is running out. The scenery at the fringes of sight is starting to crumble and fall, disappearing with a pixellated fizzle. Thunder is booming now and the sky is rife with electrical cracklings. "Things fall apart," he pants softly as he looks about. "This must be ended..." He cracks his hentacle yet again at Anthem, trying to just, well, whip it. Whip it good.
Violen misses Phoebus with his Generic Melee attack.
As Bit is pushed back towards the gorund, he quickly rolls himself back away to the distance of the rapidgun fire. He then springs himself towards the ground, feeling where his rifle was at. He pulls the rifle to face Flare, "Say goodbye Nazi scum!!" He pulls the trigger rapidly at the Nazi.
Bit strikes you with his Generic Ranged for 5 units of damage.
You are below your courage-endurance point.
Phoebus pauses...maybe we should get out of here?..uh..right... then he notices Violin and says, "...eh.....", and dives away from the bullets, he rolls on the ground and boingies up back onto her feet and fires towards Violen repeatedly, "Get back!", she says in german. Darnit...
Phoebus strikes Violen with his Generic Ranged attack.
Lunar Vixen has left.
'Zero' finds the recursive underpinnings of the lag (Yes. Recursion is the root of all evil.) and knocks them into a base case, halting the loop. He suddenly flies forward, and adjusts his swing to a thrust - trying to skewer Cyber through his midback.
Lunar Vixen has arrived.
Flare Feline is struk full on by Bit's blast. The world may be fake but Flare can sure tell when he's reached his limit. It's time for the kitty to make tracks. But first he needs to get away from this leathal Maverick. Then he realizes hat Bit can't understand a word he says, so Flare mocks a surprised look on his face, points behind Bit and screams "Hey Look behind you so I can run away!!" Which to Bit would sound like some random German nonsense he wouldn't make sense of. Flare plans to run whether Bit looks or not.
Flare Feline retreats from the area swiftly, leaving him open to pursuit or parting shots from Ten, Skyblade Eagle, and Lunar Vixen.
Ten notices that the virtualworld around them is beginning to go weird. .oO(This doesn't look good!)Oo. Ten begins to look about, hoping that somebody knows what to do. Desperately, she screams, "Something is wrong! We have to get out of here somehow!" Then, not knowing what else to do at the moment, she takes aim at the american she has been battling and fires.
Ten strikes Violen with her Generic Ranged attack.
Bit looks behind him, blinking for a moment. "What?" He doesn't notice as Flare runs away..untill it is too late. The scene sets to the point where Bit goes blank, and drops to the ground animishly from his stupidity.
Bit hands you a cookie for a job well done!
You enter the Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945.
Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945

The transition from night to day is subtle, almost unnoticed by those that are the stunned survivors of this once proud city. There are no birds chirping, no animals scurrying about to announce a new day has started. The only difference was a slow, torturous, change from the cold oppressive darkness of night to a leaden gray sky that brings no warmth, no hope to those people who huddle in the corners of shelters. Even the thought that the end of their nightmare was at hand brought no relief, no end to their strain. Four years of war and isolationism had crushed all emotions, all hope. All they have left is eyes that stopped seeing, ears that stopped hearing and souls that had stopped living a long time ago. Truly, it is the twilight of the gods.
But this isn't Robotropolis.. or Berlin, or any other city of recent years. Judging by the architecture, and design, it is mid-twenthy century. World War II, by best estimates. And this is the front line. But, a twisted sign reads wrong, has to. It's not Fulda or Regensburg, Germany, but rather..

Welcome to Oklahoma City! Population: Fifteen Thousand

Welcome to Colonel's nightmare.. welcome to Fortress America.

Obvious exits:
West <W> leads to Cyberspace - Yukon, Oklahoma, 1945.
You enter the Colonel's Office - London.
Colonel's Office - London

This large office is the current home away from home for Colonel. There are a couple of large, at home and feel at ease chairs, and a small table in the center of the room for visiting guests or dignitaries, or soldiers reporting in. Set in front of the large bay window that overlooks Hudson Bay is a mahogany desk, complete with a computer terminal and a name plaque that reads Colonel. There are very few pictures in here, mostly of Iris. The whole office has a comforting feel to it, purposely set to make sure visitors are at home and feel at ease, meaning it was probably in place before Colonel ever moved in.

Obvious exits:
Out <O> leads to Command Chamber - RHQ London.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Anthem transmits: 'Repliforce! Grab, er, disconn, er... everybody outta the pool, the house is coming down!'.
(Ch. A [Repliforce]) Hurricane Hawk transmits: 'care to say how we do that ma'am?'.

------Here, Whirlpool Lobster send me his log of everything that happened after I left, for those interested :)-----------------

Flare Feline enters the Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945.
Flare Feline has left.
Bit twitches for a moment, then he dahses off, "Time for the retreat.."
Bit enters the Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945.
Bit has left.
The corrupted data creates a hole in the fabric of reality, a black hole, organized chaos. Midi's light washes over the area, working to repair the rip but Techno throws himself in the way, his shadow throwing more darkness on the black hole. It doesn't seem possible but cyberspace never really needed to follow the laws of physics, "There's one flaw with your logic bro. You never had anything on me and you never will." He backs into the black hole, falling in slow motion towards the center. At the event horizon, Techno disappears without a trace. The black hole continues on. It might be a good idea to try to close it, while you still can..
Anthem gets hentacled. The hit breaks her concentration, taking off both Magnums. The disintegration of the scenery is obvious, though. And Anthem cackles again. "End it? Sure! You're starting to lose control here, and even a fool like me can tell that. So let's end this with style... VARIA!" Anthem hurls herself into the air as she summons up her riot armor, on the off chance that it'll actually work. Hoping that, she rolls up into a little ball and dives at the Peacock to teach a grand lesson - Anthem doesn't take kinky attacks. She dishes them out. Screw Attack!
Skyblade Eagle blinks a couple of times, "Uh oh.." She looks over at the black hole, "We're in trouble...Big trouble."
Hurricane Hawk comes to a slidding halt beside Skyblade, "I... think we need to get out of here!" he yells in german.
Anthem receives a radio transmission.
You send a tightbeam radio transmission to Anthem: "Ma'am, are we to retreat from the area?"
Violen acks as the bullet catches him in the arm. He grabs it, knowing that its not damaged severely, but its annoying to say the least. His eyes narrow abit and then he looks back at Ten, who he had left behind. He finds a bullet catching him again, this time in the leg. He has had enough of this. He grabs his rifle and looks at Ten, then back at the Sniper, "I'm outta here." He smirks and tips his hat and goes off, following the other Americans?
Anthem sends a radio transmission.
Anthem sends you a tightbeam radio transmission: "Was just about to do that."
(Ch. A [-RF-Main]) Anthem transmits: 'Repliforce! Grab, er, disconn, er... everybody outta the pool, the house is coming down!'.
(Ch. A [-RF-Main]) Hurricane Hawk transmits: 'care to say how we do that ma'am?'.
(Ch. A [-RF-Main]) Anthem transmits: 'Beats the frig outta me.'.
(Ch. A [-RF-Main]) Hurricane Hawk transmits: '...'.
(Ch. A [-RF-Main]) Phoebus transmits: '*in his german female voice* Retreating....how do we do that?...'.
(Ch. A [-RF-Main]) Skyblade Eagle transmits: 'That's nice to know..'.
(Ch. A [-RF-Main]) Whirlpool Lobster transmits: 'I say we head back to where we came in from.'.
(Ch. A [-RF-Main]) Hurricane Hawk transmits: 'Sounds like a plan.'.
Midi's optics widen as the black hole grows. Well hmm, he could either stop this all or let the black hole run rapid taking everything and everyone with it. Letting his brother go, Midi closes his eyes. His form continues to glow, letting himself and everything around him to be covered with light. The light instantly begins to close up holes as well as grow, trying to stop and defrag the corrupted data.
(Ch. A [-RF-Main]) Ten transmits: 'Well, that's the best plan we have. Let's go!'.
Hurricane Hawk turns tail and starts running helluva fast, pushing Skyblade along as well it would seem, "move it move it!"
(Ch. A [-RF-Main]) Anthem transmits: 'Remember to get Colonel, Iris and Sonata! I'll try and keep Cyber's mind occupied with idiocy!'.
Skyblade Eagle acks, "I'm going! Geeze!" She runs along with Hurricane, looking like she's headded towards where she came from in the first place..
Hurricane Hawk retreats from the area swiftly, leaving him open to pursuit or parting shots from Anthem, Ten, Skyblade Eagle, Whirlpool Lobster, and Lunar Vixen.
Skyblade Eagle retreats from the area swiftly, leaving her open to pursuit or parting shots from Lunar Vixen.
Violen retreats from the area swiftly, leaving him open to pursuit or parting shots from Cyber Peacock, Anthem, Ten, Skyblade Eagle, Hurricane Hawk, Phoebus, Whirlpool Lobster, Decibel, and Lunar Vixen.
Decibel retreats from the area swiftly, leaving him open to pursuit or parting shots from Cyber Peacock, Anthem, Ten, Skyblade Eagle, Hurricane Hawk, Phoebus, Whirlpool Lobster, and Lunar Vixen.
Phoebus gives one last shot towards Violen as he runs to find Colonel and IRis and Sonata. why? because he doesn't like Mavericks..maybe the Maverick will die if he shoots again.
Phoebus misses Violen with his Generic Ranged attack.
Hurricane Hawk enters the Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945.
Hurricane Hawk has left.
Skyblade Eagle enters the Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945.
Skyblade Eagle has left.
'Zero' notices the rift...he hesitates, then disconnects from the system, blurring into nothingness.
Synth retreats from the area swiftly, leaving her open to pursuit or parting shots from Cyber Peacock, Anthem, Ten, Phoebus, Whirlpool Lobster, and Lunar Vixen.
Ten sees the american running away and breathes a sigh of relief. Then a combination of unnerving radio chatter and the sight of the cyber universe crumbling brings her out of it. "Uh oh, time to run!" And run she does.
Phoebus strikes Synth with his Grasp attack.
Ten retreats from the area swiftly, leaving her open to pursuit or parting shots from Lunar Vixen.
Whirlpool Lobster gets out of here, as ordered.
Whirlpool Lobster retreats from the area swiftly, leaving him open to pursuit or parting shots from Anthem, Ten, and Lunar Vixen.
Phoebus sends a radio transmission.
Anthem receives a radio transmission from Phoebus.
If anyone was expecting to hear, "Incoming Game", then you're on the wrong MUSH.
But if you were expecting to see Anthem screw Cyber...
Welcome to Mega Man MUSH.
If you were also expecting Cyber to scream like a girl, you'd get that too. The peacock cuts loose with a horrible yowl as he's hit. Since Anthem's always had her armor...well, it comes to her, of course. Cyber has no control over that.
He does, however, have control over himself. He blinks out suddenly, leaving 'Zero' on a crash course for Anthem unless one of them moves.
Reappearing in the air, all that is left of 'Oklahoma' is a small green island with the house. Everywhere else, a roil of chaos surrounds them -- black surging energy on the ground, white energy above, and Cyber smack in the middle of it. The tailfeathers snap out now, and one very pissed bird growls out, "Let me give you a helping hand out!"
Feathers. Feathers everywhere. Except these...these are not harmless feathers. They are energy based lasers, and they are hailing down on the entire area -- including himself. The peacock trembles and falls to the ground as well in the barrage as the world breaks apart.
You enter the Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945.
Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945
The transition from night to day is subtle, almost unnoticed by those that are the stunned survivors of this once proud city. There are no birds chirping, no animals scurrying about to announce a new day has started. The only difference was a slow, torturous, change from the cold oppressive darkness of night to a leaden gray sky that brings no warmth, no hope to those people who huddle in the corners of shelters. Even the thought that the end of their nightmare was at hand brought no relief, no end to their strain. Four years of war and isolationism had crushed all emotions, all hope. All they have left is eyes that stopped seeing, ears that stopped hearing and souls that had stopped living a long time ago. Truly, it is the twilight of the gods.
But this isn't Robotropolis.. or Berlin, or any other city of recent years. Judging by the architecture, and design, it is mid-twenthy century. World War II, by best estimates. And this is the front line. But, a twisted sign reads wrong, has to. It's not Fulda or Regensburg, Germany, but rather..
Welcome to Oklahoma City! Population: Fifteen Thousand
Welcome to Colonel's nightmare.. welcome to Fortress America.
Obvious exits:
West <W> leads to Cyberspace - Yukon, Oklahoma, 1945.
You enter the Colonel's Office - London.
Colonel's Office - London
This large office is the current home away from home for Colonel. There are a couple of large, at home and feel at ease chairs, and a small table in the center of the room for visiting guests or dignitaries, or soldiers reporting in. Set in front of the large bay window that overlooks Hudson Bay is a mahogany desk, complete with a computer terminal and a name plaque that reads Colonel. There are very few pictures in here, mostly of Iris. The whole office has a comforting feel to it, purposely set to make sure visitors are at home and feel at ease, meaning it was probably in place before Colonel ever moved in.
Skyblade Eagle [RF]
Hurricane Hawk [RF]
Obvious exits:
Out <O> leads to Command Chamber - RHQ London.
Hurricane Hawk nods rubbing his temples, "Yeah... I didn't expect that.. to hurt so much..." he says standing up.
Hurricane Hawk enters the Command Chamber - RHQ London.
Hurricane Hawk has left.
Skyblade Eagle enters the Command Chamber - RHQ London.
Skyblade Eagle has left.
Whirlpool Lobster almost flies out of the portal, the virtual world crashing behind him. He hits the ground and rolls for a few yards, almost colliding with the wall on the other side of the office. Thankfully, for both Whirl and the wall, he stops a few inches short. Looking around at himself, he is glad to be back in his own body. He relaxes for a moment before getting to his feet.
Anthem does not enjoy this. In fact, she is very annoyed with it. Being blasted by lasers is just the *perfect* topper to being transformed into a short German dictator in armor. However, on the good side, most of the others (including Colonel) are gone, so it's about time to log off. The ground disappearing is an additional hint. So, even as big energy feathers rain down, Anthem reaches up and taps the badge on her armor twice. "Reboot and log out!"
Anthem retreats from the area swiftly, leaving her open to pursuit or parting shots from Ten, Whirlpool Lobster, and Lunar Vixen.
Ten is running for the exit of the cyber world as fast as she can. Desperation drives her as the world breaks apart around her and the bizarre energy swirls everywhere. Suddenly, a blast of energy knocks her to the ground, injuring her. No time to wonder, she immediately stands back up and runs through the carnage toward the exit.
Ten retreats from the area swiftly, leaving her open to pursuit or parting shots from Lunar Vixen.
Phoebus continues searching...and is about to radio Anthem again with her lack of success when she gets blasted by the feather lasers and falls to the ground with her black smoldering. She swerves onto her back and fires his weapon at Cyber Peacock....at least...he's about to... but anthem orders a retreat...and taps his badge twice and logs out...rebooting too, and such...darn Reboot!!
Phoebus retreats from the area swiftly, leaving him open to pursuit or parting shots from Anthem, Ten, Whirlpool Lobster, and Lunar Vixen.
Lunar Vixen has reconnected.
'Zero' is struck by the blast, chunks being blasted out of his armour. Inside the Wilysphere, Synth shakes, twitching as the synthflesh around her stomach is burst through by an exploding panel. Smoke rises from the overheating hacker 'noid, but even in her daze, she manages to disconnect. 'Zero' vanishes in a whirl of scarlet mist.
Lunar Vixen has partially disconnected.
Ten enters the Cyberspace - Oklahoma City, 1945.
Ten has left.
Whirlpool Lobster almost flies out of the portal, the virtual world crashing behind him. He hits the ground and rolls for a few yards, almost colliding with the wall on the other side of the office. Thankfully, for both Whirl and the wall, he stops a few inches short. Looking around at himself, he is glad to be back in his own body. He relaxes for a moment before getting to his feet.

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