Wilysphere - Main Chamber

The Main Area of the Wily Sphere can be described in a single word. HUGE. Big enough to fit the entire original Skull Fortress in, and then some. Right now though there’s Joes working on the dome itself, welding here and there. There’s Mets working on supports for the dome, as well as what possibly could be the basics to turn the entire dome into a rather impressive fortress. There’s Pickle Dozers moving debris around. just to put it bluntly you have various gumbies doing anything and everything imaginable in the way of construction.
But there is one place that isn’t under construction. That’s a series of rooms near the center, the barracks.
Skull Fortress [RM]
Lint Store

Obvious exits:
Barracks Entrance <BE> leads to Wilysphere - Barracks.
South <S> leads to Wilysphere - Docking Area.

Skull Fortress

The empty eyes of the skull gate seem to stare down upon those who enter, its jaws fixed in a grin that seems more forboding than cheerful. To enter Skull Fortress means walking through its gaping mouth.

Skull Gate (Top level)

The armored bunker of the minature Skull Fortress protects... a large, empty room. Well, mostly empty, except for the large Skull Gate, which decorates a set of thick, heavily armored blast doors which will slide open to admit only those who's loyalties lie with Dr. Wily. Assuming you make it past here, the doors slide open to reveal a ramp sloping down into the depths of the Wily Sphere.

Obvious exits:
Out <O> leads to Wilysphere - Main Chamber.
Blast Doors <BD> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (White level).
Knight Man enters the base.
You enter the Wily Sphere - Corridor (White level).
Wily Sphere - Corridor (White level)

The upper and residential level of the Wily Sphere, with a corridor encircling the four main areas and two more crossing in the sub-cardinal directions. A white band running across the middle of all inner gives the level its name. The outer walls of the ring are made of glass, reinforced and shielded, through which can be seen the clear blue sky when the sphere rises and the parade of life that is the deep blue sea when submerged.

Obvious exits:
Blast Doors <BD> leads to Skull Gate (Top level).
North <N> leads to Wily Sphere - Mess Hall (White level).
West <W> leads to Wily Sphere - Elite Barracks (White level).
East <E> leads to Wily Sphere - Troop Barracks (White level).
South <S> leads to Wily Sphere - Recreation Room (White level).
Turbolift Doors <TD> leads to Wily Sphere - Turbolift.

You enter the Wily Sphere - Turbolift.
Wily Sphere - Turbolift

The 'spine' so to speak of the Wily Sphere, is the turbolift which transports Masters and supplies between the levels. The walls of the lift are mostly uninterrupted silvery metal, save the control panel, but the ceiling and floor are grates through which shines an almost demonic red light. Three Bubble Bats have made the lift their home for some reason.

Obvious exits:
White Button <WB> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (White level).
Orange Button <OB> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (Orange level).
Red Button <RB> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (Red level).
Green Button <GB> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (Green level).
Blue Button <BB> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (Blue level).

(Ch. E [Public]) Wraith transmits: '*Yawn* Hey Hunters? If any of you are listening, I have to ask you something?'.
(Ch. E [Public]) Grenade Man transmits: 'Bweheheahahah! Whatcha gonna do, ask one of them on a date?!'.

You enter the Wily Sphere - Corridor (Orange level).
Wily Sphere - Corridor (Orange level)

The command level of the Wily Sphere consists of a curved corridor encircling four main areas. The metal inner walls have an orange band running across the middle which gives the level its name. The ocean waves rise and fall against the outer walls of reinforced and shielded glass when the sphere rises, and the parade of life that is the deep blue sea can be seen when it is submerged.

Obvious exits:
North <N> leads to Wily Sphere - Command Center (Orange level).
West <W> leads to Wily Sphere - Meeting Room (Orange level).
East <E> leads to Wily Sphere - Training Room (Orange level).
South <S> leads to Wily Sphere - Security Room (Orange level).
Turbolift Doors <TD> leads to Wily Sphere - Turbolift.

(Ch. E [Public]) Pilfer Ant transmits: 'Speak.'.

You enter the Wily Sphere - Training Room (Orange level).
Wily Sphere - Training Room (Orange level)

This room, when not in use, is nothing but a big black box with a gridwork of shimmering yellow-green lines. But when the voice-activated computer is in use, it can become absolutely anything, from a thousand feet underwater to an Arabian desert, tropical rainforest, or Arctic tundra. Custom simulations can also be created by users, and often obstacle courses or gaunlets are used. The holographic medical drone can repair simulated damage instantly, and so the room is also popular for sparring and combat practice. But in this particular room, illusion meets reality, and anything you can think you can do.

Serenade [Pink Avenger] [RM]
Grenade Man [RM]
Charge Man [RM]
Magnet Man [RM]
Guts Man [RM]
Synth [RM]
Medical Drone
Three Story Doomsday Cage
Holographic Terminal <HT>

Obvious exits:
West <W> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (Orange level).
The holographic projecters are off now, and the room is black, with a yellow grid around the room.
(Ch. E [Public]) Magician Fennec transmits: 'what do you want fangirl?'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Wraith transmits: 'Nah. Nothing so simple. I've just got a few odd questions about the Maverick Hunters themselves...'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Wraith transmits: 'Like, first off where do you guys get your money from?'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Guts Man transmits: 'I heard they stole their money from swiss bank accounts.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Magician Fennec transmits: 'Faeries.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Auto transmits: 'Why, that's easy as pie to answer!'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Auto transmits: 'Ro-...Er...Faeries. Yeees.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Grenade Man transmits: 'Bah, they get rich of the inventions that Wily made. That's how.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Wraith transmits: 'oh... Okay....'.

Serenade says, "If you're going to do something, then just go do it."

(Ch. E [Public]) Grenade Man transmits: 'Here me? Light is a fraud! A big old poopy head Santa Claus fraud!'.

Magnet Man watches Charge throw Grenade "Careful, you don't want to pull his pin."

(Ch. E [Public]) Amano transmits: '...'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Jazz transmits: 'Huh? Santa!? WHERE!?'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Wraith transmits: 'Next question. What do you like more, Starwberry Ice Cream or Chocolate?'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Stalker Tiger transmits: 'At least /he/ has a full head of hair, nitwit.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Magician Fennec transmits: 'Faeries.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Dr. Doppler transmits: '....Chocolate.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Grenade Man transmits: 'It's a wig! A wig I tell you!!'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Reason transmits: 'Chocolate.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Jazz transmits: 'Santa doesn't wear wigs!'.

Charge Man grunts. "Let us sally forth then. But the question as the rude one has just so rudely spoke of is where do we smash and bash?"

(Ch. E [Public]) Stalker Tiger transmits: 'Of course, putting up with you, I'm sure Wily ripped all his out.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Pilfer Ant transmits: 'Ice cream?! Blech.'.

Grenade Man skids across the floor, then sits up and giggles maniacally, "That was fun, but next time, put some more FEELING into it! I wanna feel the pain coursing through my body as you slam my head into a wall!"

(Ch. E [Public]) Wraith transmits: 'Okaaayy... Next...'.

Guts Man says, "Who cares. So long as something gets hurt that's all that matters."

(Ch. E [Public]) Wraith transmits: 'How fast can protoman fall if he's thrown out of an airplane at 7,000 feet?'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Auto transmits: 'Trick question. He teleporters.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Magician Fennec transmits: 'As fast as the faeries carry him away.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Jazz transmits: 'Silly, the same as anybody! All objects land at the same time.. I think. um...'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Auto transmits: 'Depends on aerocoefficiency, Jazz.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Auto transmits: 'Mass is unrelated.'.

Serenade nods slightly at Guts, as she slowly opens her eyes to glance at her bigger brother, "Preferable Repliforcers and Maverick hunters, hrm?"

(Ch. E [Public]) Jazz transmits: 'I don't think Protoman has aeroeffiency, does he?'.

Guts Man says, "Anything so long as something is crushed underneath my foot."

(Ch. E [Public]) Wraith transmits: 'All right.... Does Protomans scarf ever come off?'.

Grenade Man pipes in, "Or blown up!"

(Ch. E [Public]) Stalker Tiger transmits: 'Ask him. I'm sure he has an answer for ya.'.

Knight Man walks in the training room and looks about. His Mace, slightly loose, swinging from side to side. He peers at the other Masters in the room through his cross helmet. After hearing Charge's comment, he responds curious "Smash and Bash? What art ye talking abouteth? I hope that I'd get to joineth in on some carnage and destruction!" Knight Man cackles.

Charge Man growls in agreement

(Ch. E [Public]) Grenade Man transmits: '... You wanna get Protoman's scarf off? Dude, that is sick! He doesn't even have the right equipment! ... then again, none of us do.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Magician Fennec transmits: 'Only when he is in that land none of us can see.'.

Dr. Landon DeVry has connected.

(Ch. E [Public]) Jazz transmits: 'I..um...don't think so.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Pilfer Ant transmits: '*sound of a facepalm, sorta*'.

Serenade says, "Well then someone take charge."

Magnet Man looks in thought for a second... "Lets go blast some place peaceful!" dumb answer? Well look at who is speaking it.

(Ch. E [Public]) Wraith transmits: 'I'm not even going to respond to that...'.

Charge Man says, "Thailand sounds good. I bet we could even pick up some good food for the Boss. Boy wouldn't he pleasesd huh?""

(Ch. E [Public]) Wraith transmits: 'If I had some serious questions is there a Hunter that's give me some serious and honest answers?'.

Grenade Man bounces and giggles and snort and prances, "Yay! We're gonna blow something up! We're gonna blow something up!!"

(Ch. E [Public]) Jazz transmits: 'I can!'.

Crash Man arrives from the Wily Sphere - Corridor (Orange level).

Crash Man has arrived.

(Ch. E [Public]) Magician Fennec transmits: 'No, we are all not going to speak to you.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Wraith transmits: 'What's your name?'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Pilfer Ant transmits: 'Probably not. A serious question would probably involve a security breach to answer.'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Jazz transmits: 'Jazz!'.

Charge Man says, "Onward you weaklings. Time to Smash and Bash!"

Magnet Man shakes his head "I don't think Thai food would be good for Dad, unless it was rice patties or something."

(Ch. E [Public]) Jazz transmits: 'ssssssSSSSSSHHHH Pilfer!'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Wraith transmits: 'I'll have to talk to you later then. After i'm done killing this guy. *Click*'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Jazz transmits: 'aanooo.. killing people is badd..um...hello?'.

Serenade says, "How about Mexico then?"

(Ch. E [Public]) Auto transmits: 'I'd be perfectly happy to answer any questions you have, within reason!'.

(Ch. E [Public]) Auto transmits: 'You have as much right as anyone.'.
Charge Man growls at Magnet. "You saying Charge Man want to kill Dad?" he howls his fist clenching unclenching. His whistle howling as he suddenly stops and consider "Mxico! Charge Man likes it. Glad Charge Man came up with it. TO Mexico! Anybody Disagree?"

Knight Man nods "Aye, we have to think of Lord Wily's health... I'm sure he'd be pleased enough if we goeth out and causeth some chaos."

Dr. Landon DeVry makes his way in, "Whats this about Albert's health?"

Will the real Crash Man please stand up!? The Red Bomber is suddenly on the scene, singapore cane in hand.

Charge Man growls "Fine Charge Man eat one Burrito and Smash and Bash. And if any of yuou disagree I show you a smash. Do you understand? Charge Man head hurts from too much thinking."

Magnet Man head is hurting from all of Charge's loudness.. he had forgotten how loud the train guy was, "Well then.. to Mexico!"

Grenade Man grins and raises his arm, "Viva la Wily! ... Whatever that means!"

Serenade just shrugs as she stands there, nefore sending out a quick transmission. As Crash enters though she does give him a quick nod in greeting.

. o O (if they just want to appear in Mexico breaking things, i'm not going to stop them. If fact I hope they enjoy it. ) O o .

"To the transport then, and then mexico."

Charge Man hydralucs flush and he turns and starts to turn to the door. "We will smash and bash!"

Dr. Landon DeVry blinks, annoyed as he's ignored.

Grenade Man cheers and marches out the door, giggling maniacally at thoughts of brilliant fireballs in the near future.

Magnet Man zooms out the door laughing to himself

Crash Man looks up at Guts. "So, what the hell is going on now?"

Guts Man says, "We're gonna go rock the casba."

Crash Man says, "Oh, we're going to Morocco?"

Synth finishes working and closes up the panel. "There..."

Guts Man says, "Not quite. But we're still gonna make an impact."
Serenade hrms as she glances at Synth, before starting towards the door, "Are you coming Sister?"

Knight Man may have only just walked in, but the prospect of causing some mass destruction and torturing some hapless Hunter, Repliforcer of civilian is too tempting to ignore. He follows the other masters out, cackling

Charge Man pushes Crash Man "No Stupid! Mexico! Charge Man smash and bash the Aztecs!" he chortles ash is big honking legs crash upon them etal grating. His massive limbs flex and turns as he heads for the door. "Charge Man ulitmate Smasher Basher!"

Crash Man is pushed by Charge Man? Uh.. sure. "Uh, don't push me. Ever. Again. Really."

Dr. Landon DeVry clears his 'throat', "What are you planning to do?"
Charge Man snorts. "And what are you going to do little puny Master!"

Grenade Man turns back and grins at deVry, "Blow up Mexico."
To which, Crash Man replies. "Kick your bastard ass?"

Synth stands up. "They're gonna go prove how tough they are by blastin' a buncha helpless civilian humans..." she glares at all assembled. DeVry included.

Magnet Man stops as Devry speaks "We are gonna go blow up people! Duh!" and continues his way out

Serenade sighs, "Crash... Charge... Please save it for the Hunters... That is if you guys still want to go hurt Dads enemies..."

Charge Man smirks "You and what army little one? I doubt even then You could smashify me! Wee pathetic one. It's a mircle Dad even ceated you. Charge Man clearly superior." he stops to listen to the women. "Annoying sister is right. Charge Man Smash bash foolish enemies

Grenade Man walks off, singing, "I've been working in the mindfields!"

Dr. Landon DeVry blinks, "That serves no purpose. Why don't you do something useful like a mechanics raid?"

Crash Man looks up to Guts Man. "Hey Guts, you hear this sh#t? A 'miracle' that Wily created me? 'Wee and pathetic?' Oh.. snap. I think Charge Man blew a transistor from the last time we saw him, and he's gone stupid in the head." Crash offers Guts his hand. "Tag yourself in, bro."

Guts Man smiles as he loves a good scuffle here and there. "You got it Crash!" He tags in ready to kick some aft. Especially Charge Man's trash talking aft.

Serenade sighs. . o O (5... 4.... 3... 2... 1...) O o .

Charge Man smirks "Charge Man has no time for this. Charge Man want Burrito and to smash bash Mexico! Now either come with or not!"

Dr. Landon DeVry growls and turns heading out of the area, he notices Synth leaving, "Synth. I may have a more -useful- mission in mind that requires your talents."

Synth hesitates and glances at DeVry. She can't think of anything but those files she found on him, and she is perhaps understandably uneasy. "Y-yeah? Whatcha want?"

Knight Man growls at the stalling by Crash, Guts and Charge. They're keeping him from causing chaos and destruction darnit! "We do not haveth time for cretinous fighting amongst ourselves! Saveth thine strength for when we art 'smash bashing' Mexico!"

Charge Man growls and see's his way is effectivly blocked. His eyes narrow and his body shakes as he prepares himself. "You want to be smashed bashed too? Fine! Charge Man shows Borthers want it means to be smashified!" he screams as black smoke billows out furiously. His mouth open and closing as his wheels spin and scrape against the floor.

Dr. Landon DeVry blinks, "I have plans to attack a reploid facility to steal the mental template data. I believe you to be the most appropriate choice given your computational skills."

Synth hesitates, then cants her head to one side. "Whatcha need the plans for?"

"Smash bash this, you axel-grease snorting, giant misshapened head!" Crash Man runs up to Charge Man, showing little care for his own personal well-being. Wily's 12th creation goes for a kick to the Epsilon CO's midsection, only to then loop his arm around Charge Man's neck, and bring him head-first, straight to the ground.

Crash Man strikes Charge Man with his Evenflow Ddt attack.

Charge Man is temporarily disoriented by Crash Man's Evenflow Ddt attack.
. o O (0...) O o .

Dr. Landon DeVry blinks, "Study of the reploid nueral systems in facilitation of the transfer of a human mind. I am tired of waiting for that prude Light, the time has begun for my own studies to begin.

Crash Man shouts, "Synth..! Materialize a table!"

Serenade once again sighs, "Looks like it'll be a while untill we leave..."

Synth eyes Crash. "Do it yourself..." she looks back at DeVry. "...Wily okay this?"

Dr. Landon DeVry peers at Synth, "With what? Me using your talents?"

Guts Man says, "Looks like the servant girl is talking smack at you too. Maybe you should teach her a lesson?"

Grenade Man comes back, wondering just what's taking so long, "come on guys! I wanna blow sh*t up already!"

Crash Man says, "Train-head first. Others later."

Synth ignores Gutsy. "Nevermind. I'll do it."

Magnet Man rolls his eyes "Complete morons."

Knight Man waves his Mace arm towards the door "Bah! Forgeteth these fools! Mexico's destruction awaiteth us! Those who art going, I say we goeth now!"

Grenade Man looks at Knight, "You said it! Let's leave them and go blow stuff up!"

Magnet Man nods to Knight "Yes let us go and leave these fools to their fight."

Charge Man blinks and staggers back his mouth open as hiseys blinks. His motors and servo joints go crazy. "Why you miserable sorry excuse for a robot! CHARGE MAN BASH!" as his body screams and whistles against the effects

Serenade has disconnected.

While Charge Man is busy blowing smoke, Crash Man takes it upon himself to lift up the giant tank-ass by his legs. With Charge Man over his shoulder, he leans back, giving just enough room for Guts Man to do his thing.

Guts Man comes running in to grab Charge Man by the neck and send him crashing through a table that seemingly pops out of nowhere.

Dr. Landon DeVry sends a radio transmission.

Guts Man strikes Charge Man with his Bash attack.

Knight Man faces the doorway, to the only two masters right now who AREN'T engaged in petty quarraling "Shalleth we then?"

Magnet Man just zooms out, a red blur.

Serenade has connected.

Magnet Man enters the Wily Sphere - Corridor (Orange level).

Magnet Man has left.

Charge Man growls "Now Charge Man ANGRY! Now charge Man smash n bash!" his whistle letting off a large whistle as he charges from the remeains of the chair to rumbles across the room to smash into the dimwitted

Guts Man ramming into him and just wailing left and right

Grenade Man nods, "Race ya there!"

Grenade Man enters the Wily Sphere - Corridor (Orange level).
Grenade Man has left.

Charge Man strikes Guts Man with his Smash attack.

Wily Sphere - Training Room (Orange level)

This room, when not in use, is nothing but a big black box with a gridwork of shimmering yellow-green lines. But when the voice-activated computer is in use, it can become absolutely anything, from a thousand feet underwater to an Arabian desert, tropical rainforest, or Arctic tundra. Custom simulations can also be created by users, and often obstacle courses or gaunlets are used. The holographic medical drone can repair simulated damage instantly, and so the room is also popular for sparring and combat practice. But in this particular room, illusion meets reality, and anything you can think you can do.

Crash Man [RM]
Serenade [Pink Avenger] [RM]
Charge Man [RM]
Guts Man [RM]
Synth [RM]
Dr. Landon DeVry [C]
Medical Drone
Three Story Doomsday Cage
Holographic Terminal <HT>

Obvious exits:
West <W> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (Orange level).
You enter the Wily Sphere - Corridor (Orange level).
Wily Sphere - Corridor (Orange level)

The command level of the Wily Sphere consists of a curved corridor encircling four main areas. The metal inner walls have an orange band running across the middle which gives the level its name. The ocean waves rise and fall against the outer walls of reinforced and shielded glass when the sphere rises, and the parade of life that is the deep blue sea can be seen when it is submerged.

Obvious exits:
North <N> leads to Wily Sphere - Command Center (Orange level).
West <W> leads to Wily Sphere - Meeting Room (Orange level).
East <E> leads to Wily Sphere - Training Room (Orange level).
South <S> leads to Wily Sphere - Security Room (Orange level).
Turbolift Doors <TD> leads to Wily Sphere - Turbolift.
Huh? (Type "help" for help.)
You enter the Wily Sphere - Turbolift.
Wily Sphere - Turbolift

The 'spine' so to speak of the Wily Sphere, is the turbolift which transports Masters and supplies between the levels. The walls of the lift are mostly uninterrupted silvery metal, save the control panel, but the ceiling and floor are grates through which shines an almost demonic red light. Three Bubble Bats have made the lift their home for some reason.

Obvious exits:
White Button <WB> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (White level).
Orange Button <OB> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (Orange level).
Red Button <RB> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (Red level).
Green Button <GB> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (Green level).
Blue Button <BB> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (Blue level).

You enter the Wily Sphere - Corridor (Blue level).
Wily Sphere - Corridor (Blue level)

Sometimes jokingly referred to as "Shipping and Handling," the level is three-forths encircled by a curving corridor, with a sharp turn to another curve inwards that cradles the Docking Bay. The inner walls have a blue band running across them which gives the level its name, while the outer walls are reinforced and shielded glass through which can be seen the natural wonders of the underwater world.

Obvious exits:
North <N> leads to Wily Sphere - Teleporter Room (Blue level).
West <W> leads to Wily Sphere - Docking Bay (Blue level).
East <E> leads to Wily Sphere - Cargo Bay (Blue level).
South <S> leads to Wily Sphere - Vehicle Bay (Blue level).
Turbolift Doors <TD> leads to Wily Sphere - Turbolift.
You enter the Wily Sphere - Teleporter Room (Blue level).
Wily Sphere - Teleporter Room (Blue level)

Somewhat of a departure from previous bases, the teleportation capsules are hollow egg-shaped devices with circular openings carved out to allow entrance, rather than the traditional cylinders. They line the walls of the room, and are also placed on various ledges jutting out into the air, and platforms raised from the floor. Aside from the capsules there are three programming stations, which are usually (but not always) locked to prevent some practical joker from linking the capsules to each other.

Type 'tel/list' to see a list of destinations and 'tel <location>' to activate the teleporters.

Obvious exits:
South <S> leads to Wily Sphere - Corridor (Blue level).
<O-Master> Alpha Serenade watches Grenade and Knight run off, "I take it you're leaving ahead of them?"

Knight Man disappears in a flash of energy.
Teleportation Area--Mexico City

Rows of tall teleportation capsules line the walls, each clearly labeled with a detination. A few are labeled 'Custom Location' instead of with a city name.

Type 'tel/list' to see a list of destinations and 'tel <location>' to activate the teleporters.

Obvious exits:
North <N> leads to Mexico City Business District.
Knight Man appears in a flash of energy.
You enter the Mexico City Business District.
Mexico City Business District

The city here is dotted by mid-sized buildings, which means they tend to only reach ninety or so stories. There seems to constantly be traffic jams all hours of the day, whether on the roads or in the hovervehicle lanes.

Grenade Man [RM]
Magnet Man [RM]

Obvious exits:
South <S> leads to Teleportation Area--Mexico City.
East <E> leads to Mexico City Residential Area.
West <W> leads to Mexico City Downtown.
North <N> leads to Central Mexico.

Enker arrives from the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Enker has arrived.

Serenade arrives from the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Serenade has arrived.

Magnet Man has disconnected.

Magnet Man has connected.

<Global News Network> this is Willy Wicky, coming live from Mexico City, where the Robot masters have launched an attack on the town. There is panic in the streets as these creations terrorize the town and it's people!

Search Man arrives from the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Search Man has arrived.

Blitz Crane arrives from the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Blitz Crane has arrived.

Broadcast Ocelot arrives from the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Broadcast Ocelot has arrived.

Broadcast Ocelot stalks into the area, tail swishing from side to side.

Bonanza Banana arrives from the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Bonanza Banana has arrived.

Rock arrives from the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Rock has arrived.

Grenade Man cackles as he stands on top of a building and locks a Flash Bomb into place, taking swift aim at a small store down below, "Ehehehehehahahahahhhohohoho! Finally! I get to blow stuff up! Bwahahahah!" launching the small, yet powerful explosive, grenade watches as the store collapses from the detonation, the entire front of it being blown off as the bomb flies through the window.

Search Man walks through the crowds, passing by everyone. He is incognito and eventually joins the other Robot Masters. Search Man hmms. "And here I am." -- "Me too."

Magnet Man bounds from car to car, his heavy boots driving large dents into them.. then his limpet mines explode on them, making much bigger dents

Razor Pterodactyl has arrived.

Up on a building overlooking the carnage, two forms just idly stand there, taking in not only the destruction below. One is a femme with blond hair and pink armor, while the other is a mecha wolf. That's right, Serenade in her 'Pink Avenger' armor, and Acoustic are silently watching...

For now...

Acoustic has arrived.

Serenade drops Acoustic.

Acoustic transforms into Acoustic.

Serenade transforms into Pink Avenger.

Search Man watches Grenade Man. "I guess we're just cutting to the chase." He shrugs, tossing off his trenchcoat and hats. Search Man twirls his cannon a few times and then launches a Homing Sniper at a nearby cafe. BOOM!

Knight Man is in the process of demolishing a random building with his mace. He is standing there swinging his mace above his head, picking apart the structure piece by piece, laughing madly. "Yes! Destruction! Chaos! Bwahahaha! I give despair to anyone who doesn't ally themselves to Lord Wily!!"

Broadcast Ocelot comes a dashing in from the teleportation chambers, given his rather fast land speed. The cat comes up on the scene of the Robot Masters causing mass chaos and destruction as usual and just facepaws. He powers up his sound generators to raise the volume of his voice and he announces, "Allyuh doh anyting better tuh do than cause mass chaos and destruction?"

On dash-jets burning with urgancy, Blitz Crane enters the scene. Straight from the teleporters, with a look of determination on her beaked face. "Wot do the chuffin' Masters 'ave agaisnt Mexico, any road?" she says to herself.

Knight Man turns to face the noice coming from the Repliforce Cat. "Shuteth thine mouth knave! We serve Lord Wily! And we art justified in bringing terror to those who do not rightfully ally themselves with him! Have thou a problem with that?"

Magnet Man grins as he sees the reurn of Miss Crane With A Shotgun. Jumping off the hood of a car he lands infront of her "Byebye birdy!" he spinkicks at her head

Magnet Man strikes Blitz Crane with his Kick attack.

A shadowed form appears over the horizon, glinting from the moon's pale light. Soon, it becomes a blur of blue, then white accents can be seen, and eventually, a dot of peach for the face. The being seems to be coming along swiftly, moving at speeds that rival most automobiles, and kicking up a light amount of dust while he's at it. Soon the person here becomes clear, X has arrived, and his face is set in heroic determination as he gazes at those assembled as he approaches swiftly. His buster is held out, readied in case he needs it suddenly, and no fear shines in his sapphire eyes. This is X. He has arrived.

Razor Pterodactyl has overlooked the teleporters as usual, and came flying all the way instead. Too bad most of the shine from the polish job he got yesterday is gone already, otherwise he might've been able to blind some Masters with it. As it is, he just flies in trying to look righteous. Whatever that's supposed to look like.

Blaze Phoenix arrives from the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Blaze Phoenix has arrived.

Blitz Crane jerks back, stopping all forward movement just a bit too late. The kick catches her beak on the side, causing a small ding "The hell, luv? Yer again?! Struth! Bah! Struth! It'll take more then that ter put the mockers on me, right, here!" She jerks back in midair, leveling her shotgun arm at him and firing off a point-blank blast of shotgun pellets.

Blitz Crane misses Magnet Man with her Shotgun Blast attack.

Grenade Man turns his head and spots Rock approaching at highs speeds, then... cheers? "YES! Finally! Someone actually took us seriously enough to send out the BIG GUNS! No more pathetic Repliforcers or giant earthworms that can't hit worth crap! Woohoo!" He throws his fist into the air, "Stand back Search, he's *mine*! Bwehehehehehehehahahahahahah!!"

Rushing up to the edge of the building, Grenade raises his massive arm cannon and fires off a warning shot that misses the Hunter by mere inches, "Hey! Rock, over here!"

No as the 'Good Guys' start ariving, a overlarge stopwatch appears in Serenades left hand as she glances at it, before a clipboard appears in her right hand. Then as the stopwatch vanishes she jots something down on the datapad, "Well for starters their responce time is down..."

Magnet Man moves with speed that only robots show, the rifle blast flying past him. Grinning he locks a miniature missile yelling "Speak english you stupid bird!" the small missile fires forward, the magnetic systemn locking on Blitz.

Magnet Man strikes Blitz Crane with his Generic Ranged attack.

Broadcast Ocelot looks over to the rather large knight-shaped Master and just replies saracastically, "Riiiiiiiight. Sure yuh is." The cat eyes Knight Man cautiously as he scans the area to make sure all civilians are evacuated before deciding his next move.

Guts Man arrives from the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Guts Man has arrived.

A box unfolds from her shoulder, flipping forward. She grabs the provided handle as it extends a barrel. Swatting the mini missile aside with her gun arm "Yer call that a missile, mate? THIS is a missile! And I AM speakin' english, damnit! Struth!" With a loud 'EEOOW!' shriek, the weapon on Blitz Crane's shoulder fires a foot long missile at Magnet.

Blitz Crane strikes Magnet Man with her Rocket Launcher attack.
Search Man raises his cannon again. He ducts behind a couple of trash cans and then lays down. A small cylinder - his cannon - can be seen peeking from the cans. After a loud noise, and a poof of smoke, another small business is blasted into the past tense.

The Hunter Commander looks about to find the direction of the shot. His eyes peer and gaze about. "Where are you?" Suddenly.. He's actually answered. "Uh... Stop this at once and leave these people alone! I'm warning you!" He points his buster at Grenade Man threateningly, the arm unwavering and surprisingly agile. "If you give yourself up, I won't hurt you!" And yes, The blue bomber is drop dead serious, too. He continues to aim as he runs forward, getting a bit closer to Grenade Man, knowing far well that indeed this might be a trick, or a trap, but he can't just let them do this, so... he's going to keep his ears and eyes open..

Bonanza Banana enters the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Bonanza Banana has left.

Guts Man having finished whupping on Charge Man in the training room comes to join his buddies in the mindless Mexican mayhem madness!

Knight Man aims his Mace arm menacening at Broadcast "Bah! Infidel! You know not the might of Wily, it seems I haveth to beat it into thee!" Knight Man charges at Broadcast, loosening his Mace and swings it over his head like a Morning Star. "Bwahahahahaha!!" He swings a few times, and lashes it at Broadcast.

You strike Broadcast Ocelot with your Morningstar attack.

Magnet Man eyes go wide as the missile flies at him gasping out "Oh shi--" *boom* it explodes on his chest sending him flying backwards, his armor chard and blackened in places. However before he was hit by the rocket he left Blitz a present: a limpt mine at her feet

Magnet Man strikes Blitz Crane with his Limpet Mine attack.

Bradley Williams arrives from the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Bradley Williams has arrived.

Razor Pterodactyl isn't about to just keep hanging around, but he's unsure who to go for. Eventually, he just shrugs, and shouts, "Hey you there, with the two heads! You're under arrest!" Not that he's really expecting it to have any effect, he just loves saying that.

Grenade Man blinks, then nearly busts a gut laughing, "Won't... won't hurt me? BWAHAHAHAHAH!!! That's a good one! You should be a comedian Megaman!! Why do you think I confronted you! I am the Master of Mayhem! The King of Carnage! The Bomb with the Best, GRENADE MAN!, and I'm here to wipe the floor with ya!"
Suddenly, the highly explosive Master charges the Hunter Commander, screaming bloody heck and waving his arms around like a madman as he rushes Rock!

Rock gets blown back by Grenade Man's Smash.

Blitz Crane weathers the explosion, holding her ground as debris and pieces of armor chip away. "Yor startin' ter get on me nerves" Leveling her shotgun arm, she launches a large electrified net at the airborn Master.

Blitz Crane misses Magnet Man with her Tazer Net attack.

Search Man looks up over the garbage can to Razor. He blinks, almost dumbfounded as the person might actually think that asking him to stop would actually cause him to stop. Search Man aims his cannon towards Razor and fires another Homing Sniper. Luckily, Razor isn't the target. A small shop behind Razor, however, is toasted.

Broadcast Ocelot is amazingly caught unawares from the rather slow Robot Master known as Knight Man charging at him. Screwy combat code. The smash sends the cat flying off to the side and into a wall. "Ow." Climbing back to his feet he eyes Knight and sighs, "Allyuh jus' doh learn." BO casually swipes the air with his paw, firing forth a burst of high-frequency sound waves that cannot be heard normally. The purpose of these sound waves is to attune to Knight Man's biorythms in an attempt to stun the large one. If it hits.

Broadcast Ocelot strikes you with his Supersonic for 0 units of damage.

Knight Man is temporarily disoriented by Broadcast Ocelot's Supersonic attack.

Magnet Man dashjets into the air, magnetics propelling him into the air and away from the web. Barreling down at Blitz he yells "I've only begun to be annoying!"

Magnet Man misses Blitz Crane with his Ram attack.

Of course as Serenade watches one of the two avians for a moment, she shakes her head jotting down another note. "Like always they offer chances to escape, or try to arrest us. Nothing diferent there." Only then as she finishes making that note, her gaze is caught by the other avian throwing the net around, "Also non-lethal restraints are still overly common...."

Blitz Crane darts aside from the charging Master, twisting to fly straight backwards. She aims her gun arm, and fires off a burst of slugs in rapid succession. "Good fer ya!"

Blitz Crane misses Magnet Man with her Gatlin Burst attack.

Knight Man staggars back "Gah!!" Knight Man covers his ears, the sound echoing in his large cross helmet "That twas fighting dirty knave! I like it!" He tries to shake off the sound.

(Ch. A [RMBroadband]) Serenade transmits: 'Keep this up Brothers. You're not only trashing these losers, and sending them a message about messing with us, but the more you fight the more we learn about them...'.

X leaps to the side in a swift manuver to get out of the way, however, his foot is clipped by the charging Master and he spins into the dirt, his armor scratching. Quicker than you can say 'Mega Man', he's back up on his metallic feet, dashing into the air and then forward, at a 90 degree angle, moving through the air with amazing agility. Swiftly he brings his helmet back. "Alright, then. Since you don't wanna be nice..." He pushes his helmet forward in an attempt to headback the Master.

Wind Falcon arrives from the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Wind Falcon has arrived.

Magnet Man manages a quick roll to the side out of the way of Blitz's gun blast. Still grinning to himself he yells "You just don't learn.. with your luck you should be a nanny, not a 'Forcer!" as he says that a wave of metal shard and bits flys out to slash and crush Blitz

Magnet Man strikes Blitz Crane with his Magnetize attack.

Rock strikes Grenade Man with his Helmet Bash attack.

Razor Pterodactyl, Champion of All That Is Good (one can dream, right?), is completely ignored. What a surprise. "Okay... well, actions speak louder than words anyway, don't they? Maybe you'll understand this language better." So saying, he levels both of his arms down at Search. Instantly, a razor-sharp disc lines up on either arm, which are promptly released in Search Man's direction.

Razor Pterodactyl strikes Search Man with his Razor Disc attack.

Blaze Phoenix has left.

Guts Man is simply walking around bashing random buildings for some mindless chaos.

Search Man blinks. "Wanna be a wise guy, eh?" He pauses but a moment before the pair of blades hit him and pierce his armour. A shower of sparks and a prompt cry of pain is offered before Search Man levels his cannon. "You probably might want to begin regretting that pretty soon.." Search Man sets his cannon to fire a grenade and then launches one towards Razor Pterodactyl.

Search Man strikes Razor Pterodactyl with his Grenade attack.

Blitz Crane skids to a stop, standing sidelong to Magnet. Random objects bounce off her armor as she levels her shotgun at him. A low wirr sounds out from her weapon arm, quickly growing to a feavered pitch. "Shut th' 'ell up an' jus' die damnit!" With a loud 'THWOOOM' sound, her weapon arm jerks back, the barrel arching up as she launches a supersonic projectile at the Master. The only evidence she launched anything at all is the blue-tinted, spiraling wake...

Blitz Crane misses Magnet Man with her Sharp Shooter attack.

Broadcast Ocelot rolls his eyes at Knight Man when the Master gets stunned, "Dat's nice tuh know." The cat then casually and rather idly walks over to a parked hovercar. Stepping up close to it from the pavement-side, he bends down and gets a good grip on it before starting to heave it up into the air. His synth muscles begin to bulge from the strain but the ocelot manages to lift the vehicle over his head. Then, with a might toss, he throws the helluva far! Or just at Knight Man.

Broadcast Ocelot strikes you with his Generic Melee for 2 units of damage.


Rock's helmetted head collides with Grenade empty one with a resounding sound, causing the Master to stagger back, swaggering from side to side drunkenly, "Anyone get the truck of that license...?"

Leaning against an air conditioner, Grenade waits until his head stops spinning then chuckles, "Nice? Don't know the meaning of the word! I do know pain though, and that's what you're going to be in a second!"

A misile locks into place in his arm cannon, and in one swift motion, Grenade whips up his arm and launches the heat seeker at Rock!

Rock gets blown back by Grenade Man's Missile Launcher.

Serenade hrms as she squints slightly, looking down from her vantage point on a building above the chaos, before shaking her head and pulling out a datapad and a cable. Then, and very carefully she plugs the cable into a spot in the back of Acoustics head, before attaching the other end to that datapad. the end result of this of course is that once it's connected and powered up, whatever Acoustic looks at appears on the datapad, and the images are a lot better than what Serenade would normally see unaided.

Magnet Man throws up a quick magnetic field, the projectile hitting it and flying out elsewhere to explode on some innocent probably. Electricity and blue light surrounds him as he growls out "That is my line Replidork!" he charges forward in a brilliant flash of light

Somewhere from out of what little darkness that the surrounding environment provides, a lone figure emerges. However, cover isn't exactly necessary, not within this fiasco anyways. Ones attention isn't necessarily focused on the details when such chaos and entropy present themselves. "Hrmmm... the Masters, they must be stopped!" He squints and eyes a rather bulky Master, orange and yellow in color. Any normal sane human would be intimidated by the ten foot tall behemoth, but such a gargantuan scares Bradley Williams none. Since when was Brad normal and sane? "Hrmm... Guts Man or Stone Man perhaps..." Neither a strider nor a UN official, this individual is equipped with nothing but that of what a mercenary can get a hold of. And if you know the business, that isn't much.

He quickly climbs the walls of the nearby alley, making his way to the roof. The man sprints across from roof to roof, tracing the movements of the giant. Following him, his gaze never falling upon another. Bradley has chosen his target. When the opportune time presents itself, Bradley leaps from his elevated position onto the back of the Master, using what precious little time the sudden distraction provides the cyborg. "Your reign of terror ends here android!" Clutching tightly with one hand against the frame of Guts Man,'s back, Bradley swipes with his free, cybernetic clawed, hand. "The devil's hands are most effecient in extinguishing the devil's work."

Magnet Man misses Blitz Crane with his Electromagnetic Charge attack.

Knight Man shakes off the last of the ringing in his ears, to look up and see a car about to fall on him "...oh crapeth!" WHUMP! The car lands on him, but it doesn't seem to affect him too much, moments later his mace is seen tearing the car apart and he throws the mess of the car aside. "Bah! Is that the best ye can do?" He rolls in his mace and attatches it to his arm securly, and once again runs towards the Ocelot, and strikes him hard in the jaw (this time) with his mace.

You miss Broadcast Ocelot with your Mace attack.

Blitz Crane kicks up her thrusters, darting right over the opposing Master. From the air, she levels her shotgun and fires a second burst of pellets, uttering a small curse at her rotton luck today.

Blitz Crane strikes Magnet Man with her Shotgun Blast attack.

X staggers back about two feet as the missle strikes his chest, leaving a small dent about the size of a nickel, and a few blackened marks from the blast. However, it looks like that a hammer would have done more damage, and he whips out his buster, again, aiming at Grenade for a millisecond before recoiling it back an inch. A light builds up inside, firing a small yellow pellet of energy at the large lumbering Master in response. "You asked for it!"

Rock misses Grenade Man with his Blaster attack.

Broadcast Ocelot is unaffected by such trivial weapons as a simple Mace! Ok, well not really. It's just that given since Knight Man is really, really slow and since he had that car to fight through, it gave Broadcast enough time to run around and /behind/ the Master. So by the time the Mace is swung, BO is no longer there. Where is he? Why, leaning up against the shreaded car of course. Or at least a chunk large enough for him to lean up on. Broadcast, with his arms crossed over his chest, looks up and over to Knight Man, "Lookin' fuh somebody?" Out fires a burst of sound vibrations from his forehead sound generator.

Magnet Man is caught full on in face by the shotgun burst, he mask cracking and splintering under the powerful force. His fists clench into tight balls and he yells "NO ONE HURTS MY FACE!" waves of EMP flying off of him.

Razor Pterodactyl, in a reflex, crosses his wings in front of his face to protect himself from the incoming grenade. The impact is large enough to still do some damage, though. His wings now blackened, Razor is not amused. He exclaims in dismay, "Aw, man... do you know how long I spent on that polish job yesterday?" Then, he adds, matter-of-factly, "I'll get you for that.", before lining up yet another disc on his right arm. This one remains on his arm for a second and emits a faint glow before it is sent downward. Time to fight explosives with explosives.

Magnet Man misses Blitz Crane with his Emp Wave attack.

Broadcast Ocelot misses you with his Vibration Pulse attack.

Razor Pterodactyl misses Search Man with his Exploding Disc attack.

Blitz Crane flips over the wave, cutting her thrusters. The inertia sends her flying down at him feet-first. "Ah consider it an' improvement!"

Blitz Crane misses Magnet Man with her Crane Kick attack.

Serenade pauses for a moment, hrming as she notices something, her clipboard reappears so she can jot down yet another notes. "Unlike usual, Megaman for once is coming off like he's lost his edge.... *Slight pause* Must look into this for further review."

Knight Man almost trips when he strikes at Broadcast, and he isn't there. Which is a good thing he did, since the Ocelot's poorly timed attack misses him completly. He turns and face the cat "Why, yes I am! Thanketh thee!" He loosens his Mace by about 4 feet, swings it over his head a few times and fires it at Broadcast.

You miss Broadcast Ocelot with your Flail attack.

Unfortunately, by the time the energy pellet reaches Grenade... he's no longer there, and the plasma sphere explodes against the ground harmlessly.

Grenade on the other hand, soars through the air with the greatest of ease, cackling maniacally as he lands three feet in from of Rock, "Bite me Blueberry Boy!"

With a swift motion, Grenade lashes out with a fist, firing off a cluster bomb as he does so in the hopes of giving Rock some real punch!

Rock leaps out of the way of Grenade Man's Cluster Bombs.

Search Man laughs halfheartedly with both of his heads but then eeps as he sends the exploding disk at him. Search Man tracks it with his radar and then......ducks. Search growls. Time to fight explosives with better explosives. Search Man aims his cannon at Razor and fires a mortar at him, blowing the smoke away with one of his heads.

Search Man strikes Razor Pterodactyl with his Mortars attack.

Magnet Man can only duck as the Crane comes flying down at him. His feet dig into the ground and blue light covers his hand. Reaching out to touch Blitz he yells "Looks like i might have a /crush/ on you!" and with that awful pun he tries to crush her in her own weight

Magnet Man strikes Blitz Crane with his Magneticrush attack.

Blitz Crane bounces off the ground and back into the air, grunting as parts of her armor starts to cave in. She whirls "Tha's about enough outta yew!" She fires off another series of slugs at him.

Blitz Crane misses Magnet Man with her Gatlin Burst attack.

Guts Man keeps on smashing buildings for the hell of it.

Broadcast Ocelot grins and then eeps as the large spikey ball thing comes flying towards him. He deftly ducks under it, the flail crushing what's left of the car. Rolling forward under the weapon, he draws forth his combat knife from a subspace pocket as he comes up and makes a swipe at the chain, hoping to severe it so that Knight Man loses use of the mace. Of course, he's still a good distance away from the Master.

Magnet Man joins the Crane in the air, the bullets cracking and destroying the ground beneath him. More blue light flicks outwards from him as he yells "I never shut up!" the whip of magnetics attemptiing to ensnare the bird.

Magnet Man strikes Blitz Crane with his Magnetic Field attack.

Blitz Crane is temporarily disoriented by Magnet Man's Magnetic Field attack.

Broadcast Ocelot misses you with his Grasp attack.

Rock watches and blinks as his shot falls to the ground, and then it seems that Grenade Man is before him. With almost blinding speed, he ducks the punch, letting the bomb pass harmlessly over his helmeted head. From here, he preforms the move that is the bane to all Mega Man Bosses. He slides, with his hand down, he kicks in his reverse thruster jets, moving him right at Grenade Man's feet in a smooth motion.

Rock strikes Grenade Man with his Kick attack.

Razor Pterodactyl curses as he misses with his exploding disc. Again. o O(If I couldn't even hit Megalith with, what made me think I could...)O o His thoughts are interrupted by a mortar blast to the chest, which sends him crashing down to the ground. Or so it seems. Right before he would hit the ground, he does a quick backflip and fires a red beam from the crystal on his torso, an attack not designed to damage, but to overheat reploid systems. He hopes it's just as effective on an android.

Razor Pterodactyl strikes Search Man with his Inferno Flare attack.

Search Man is temporarily disoriented by Razor Pterodactyl's Inferno Flare attack.

Acoustic just keeps watching, her gaze just drifting from combatent, to combatent, to destroyed buildings, back to the combatents.

Serenade meanwhile is pretty much doing the same thing as her mecha wolf companion, only she doesn't even bother to look at the destruction. Instead, she jots down notes as she watches.

"Another note... Whoever that cat thing is needs to learn how to fight... I mean he looks like he could get beaten up by any random cat girl off of the street..."

Blitz Crane lets out a startled squawk as she's disabled, struggling valiantly to free herself.

Bradley Williams holds his solid grip against the back of Guts Man's form, the stress causing his knuckles to turn bony white. Gritting his teeth, Bradley continues ponder as much damage as he can with his 'claw' hand. Eerie glowing red orbs dance back and forth, side to side, sweeping his gaze from here to there on Guts Man's systems. Brad's optics continue to dart between one circuit to another, targeting those that look especially crucial to the motor functions of the massive android. "And so, the mighty goliath falls once his weakness is discovered by the simple and relatively 'weak' David. How prematurely they judged the boy, no? It's sad that you cannot learn this machine, because humans themselves have not learned that lesson to this very day." All this time, one must wonder what the hell Bradley is talking about. Nobody really knows, he just recently escaped from the hospital. Thus far, Guts Man has been ignoring... let's see him ignore this. Bradley thrusts his claws into the back of Guts' neck.

Magnet Man grabs the Crane before she can fall to the floor, his face beaming with self satisfaction. Raising the bird up he slams her to the ground at a speed that is most unhealthy.

Magnet Man strikes Blitz Crane with his Repelling Throw attack.

Knight Man sees the cat making a move for his chain, and immedialty pulls his chain back, at incredible speed it snaps back into place. He cackles "Bwahaha! Nice try cat! But that knife wouldn't haveth even scratched the chain!" His Mace in his arm starts vibrating, as if pressure is being stored behind it "Now curr, face my wrath! Fwahaha!" The mace is fired out at Broadcast, nothing but a blur.

You strike Broadcast Ocelot with your Knight Chain attack.

Blitz Crane bounces once. Twice. Thrice! She grunts once, climbing to her feet "Yer not gonna git rid 'o me that easy, mate." She thrusts her weapon forward suddenly, supporting it with her other hand as she launches a second net.

Blitz Crane misses Magnet Man with her Tazer Net attack.

Bradley Williams misses Guts Man with his Punch attack.

Out goes Grenade Man's feet from under him as Rock slides, causing him to fly forward and land on his face, to which he replies, "Ow." Slowly, he rolls over, then sits up, "Yuck. Nothing quite like eating dirt..." His spits out a few rocks, then gets to his feet and smirks, "Time to get serious!"

With a sudden lunge, Grenade leaps right for Rock, then tries to slap a Limpet Mine on his back as he passes by. The Limpet Mine attaches to whatever it hits and sticks there, only to explode a few seconds later, whether it actuallt hit Rock or not.

Rock gets blown back by Grenade Man's Limpet Mine.

Guts Man suddenly realizes he has a passenger on his back, "What the?" He swings his fists backwards trying to hit the cyborg off, "Get off of me!" If Bradley keeps fidgeting with the knobs and stuff on his neck his head will fall out and he'll be nothing more than a hardhat without it's ride armor. Fortunately the knobs are pretty darn tight. "Fine if you won't get off of me..." Guts Man does the only sane thing he can think of, fall backwards to crush whatever's on his back.

Search Man blinks as the attack flies towards him. "Let's dodge to the left," his left head says. "No no no!! The right," his right head says. "LEFT!" -- "RIGHT!" -- "LEFT!" -- "RI...OOWWWWWW!!!!" His circuits begin to overhead and short out. Search Man is left a smoking heap near a pair of garbage cans. "Must..powerup..systems..."

Guts Man strikes Bradley Williams with his Ram attack.

Bradley Williams sends a radio transmission.

Rock receives a radio transmission.

Broadcast Ocelot sweatdrops and his ears droop as the Knight Chain coming in at him faster than he can dodge edges closer and closer, "Oh damn. This is gonna hurt..." And hurt it does! In fact, Broadcast goes semi-unconscious from the massive shock of being hit for so much damage in just one attack. The force from the blow sends the Repliforcer flying back a couple of blocks. Sucks to be a lightweight. Oh well. "I'm blasting off agaaaaaaaiiiiiiiiin!" Ping.

Magnet Man locks and loads his Magnet Missiles. He releases them in a wave at Blitz, her web being destroyed by one of them.

Broadcast Ocelot retreats from the area swiftly, leaving him open to pursuit or parting shots from Razor Pterodactyl, and Wind Falcon.

Magnet Man misses Blitz Crane with his Magnet Missiles attack.

Harley Hoverbike <Eildath> arrives from the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Harley Hoverbike <Eildath> has arrived.

Razor Pterodactyl breathes a sigh of relief as his attack hit the mark. It's now or never. With a loud shriek from Razor, several extra blades emerge from all over his body. In the next moment, he becomes little more than a blur of motion as he fires up his thusters and launches his spiky body at Search Man on a collision course.

Razor Pterodactyl strikes Search Man with his Blade Crash attack.

"And once again Guts Man shows that evil will always win because good is dum..." Serenade says with a sigh as she, yep you guessed it, jots down another note.

Enker enters the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Enker has left.

Ariel flips, dodges, weaving. Blitz avoids the missiles like an ariel artist, coming out of it with her weapon arm leveled at Magnet "Put the mockers on it!" She fires off a blast of pellets - again!

Blitz Crane misses Magnet Man with her Shotgun Blast attack.

Wind Falcon strikes Broadcast Ocelot with his Grasp attack.

Rock stands up from the slide, by using is hand to boost him to his feet. He dusts off his hand, and looks in the direction of Grenade, who happens to plant a mine right on his helmet.
>BOOM! <

X is thrown several feet before landing, knocking his head on some stone as he does so. As he stands, he looks genuinely angry and determined, a look that all evil-doers should beware. He charges up, a Red Energy Coursing through his system on the outside. He aims with his fist, the enegry building up there with a glow and then... He launches his fist right at Grenade with a silent look in his eyes. The firt glows red with energy as it soars through the air.

Bradley Williams is crushed... pressed between the ground and the enormious form of Guts Man. Bradley coughs out a bid of blood and regains much of his composure. The massive weight isn't entirely crushing his form, you can thank the cybernetic enhancements for that. However, it is making it quite difficult for Brad to breathe. Adapting to his environment, he makes some quick improvisions. His cybernetic hand detatches, crawling away like a robotic arachnid and returning to brad with a steel pipe. It reinserts back into the limb and the cyborg is quick to swing the lead object at the piloting met of the ride armor... I mean, Guts Man's head.

Bradley Williams strikes Guts Man with his Blunt Object attack.

Harley Hoverbike <Eildath> drives into the area, presumably tipped off by something. The news, some friendly RF radio, or something, since noone bothered to facilitate his RP or anything.

Search Man gets shot back with the attack and lands in a pile of garbage. He lays there for a bit, but then stands, muttering to himself, "System recharged, temperature stable." He growls slightly with the other head and raises his cannon to point at Razor. "You shall pay for that.." Search Man fires his bazooka. He brings out the heavy stuff, but not the best stuff he has.

Search Man strikes Razor Pterodactyl with his Bazooka attack.

Rock misses Grenade Man with his Megapunch attack.

Knight Man sees Broadcast be cast off (woo, punage!) "And thus is the fate of those who go againsteth Lord Wily! Fwahahahahaha!!" His evil cackle echos through the empty streets, Knight Man goes back to demolishing buildings and terrifying all those who remained. He doesn't bother the others, they have their own fights.

Magnet Man jets into the air as the shotgun blast goes off, peppering the street in bulleted death. The magnet on his head crackles with energy then releases a wave of blue light and electricity.. EMP in quite a concentrated form "Speak normal, Replihussy!"

Magnet Man strikes Blitz Crane with his Emp Wave attack.

Grenade Man cackles as he quickly dodges out of the wait of the punch, dancing away from rock while smirking all the while, "What's amatter blue boy? Poor widdle baby all mad? I know just what'll cheer you right up!"

Reaching back, Grenade produces a Shrapnel Grenade, then chuckles it in the air at Rock and dives to cover, "Think fast!"

Rock leaps out of the way of Grenade Man's Shrapnel Grenade.

Guts Man is hit upside the head by a pipe. Of all the places to be hit you'd think someone would chose something else than the hardhat, but nooooo. Well it's not in his job description to talk people out of suicide. He rolls off of Bradley before getting back up. He then tries to kick the pipe out of Bradley's hand, "Git on out of here!"

Guts Man misses Bradley Williams with his Kick attack.

Screen arrives from the Teleportation Area--Mexico City.

Screen has arrived.

Razor Pterodactyl stands proudly in front of Search Man, bracing himself for the inevitable melee counter-attack. Instead, a bazooka is aimed at him. He would sweatdrop if he could. A moment later, the bazooka is fired. No possible dodging from that close range. And thus, the resulting explosion sends Razor right back into the air from whence he came. Looks like Team Repliforce is blasting off again!

Razor Pterodactyl retreats from the area swiftly, leaving him open to pursuit or parting shots from Wind Falcon.

Serenade mutters as the datapad hooked up to Acoustic shows a closeup of one of her brothers, "And Magnet Man really needs to have a femme knock some sense into him... In fact it's almost too bad that femme Zero is gone. She probably would of enjoyed doing it..."

Bradley Williams does a quick roll to dodge Guts Man's tree-like legs. "The thing about big small is that you are mobile, the opposite goes for the large... eh tubby?" Apperantly Bradley is trying to mimic David and Goliath. "And so the giant fell as the stone struck him between the eyes. Defeated, by a boy and his sling. Oh how the mighty have fallen. So it shall be here my mechanical foe. I, the hero, and you, the abomination that sows chaos through out the land." He heaves his arm forward and chucks the pipe for the middle of the Master's face.

(Ch. E [Public]) Serenade transmits: 'o/~ Oh Mom... o/~'.

Bradley Williams strikes Guts Man with his Throw Object attack.

Harley Hoverbike <Eildath> hauls across the field, towards Guts Man and his brother.

Rock blinks as his fist returns to his hand with a satisfying click, and along with it, a large bomb of some sorts flies through the air. Luckily for him, he can think fast and the Master even was nice enough to give him a warning. Suddenly, he sees someone that catches his eye as he manuvers away from the thrown explosive before it goes off. Rock dives behind some crates, charging up his buster a bit and surrounding with a Green Light of energy. He sticks is head over , aims and lets his buster shoot, a single light shining atop the device. He steadies it at Grenade, and recoils, with a oval Green Pellet shooting out at Grenade.

Rock strikes Grenade Man with his X-buster attack.

Guts Man receives a radio transmission.

Search Man watches as Razor runs off. "Hahahaa," he laughs jovially. Search then slouches slightly. "Man..He really did a number on my circuits..This should be looked at.." He examines himself, "Though the exterior looks as pretty as ever..." Search Man looks from left to right and then runs off in one direction.

Search Man retreats from the area swiftly, leaving him open to pursuit or parting shots from Grenade Man, Rock, Broadcast Ocelot, Acoustic, Blitz Crane, Razor Pterodactyl, Wind Falcon, and Magnet Man.

Knight Man walks off, down the street away from the fighting, destroying buildings as he goes.

Guts Man is hit square in the jaw by the pipe, it ends up making a dent in it. "Ow damnit!" He growls and bends down picking up the pipe that hit him, "You want to be a hero huh? Well here's something you should learn. I don't play fair." He then throws the pipe back at the cyborg as he receives a radio transmission.

Blitz Crane grunts as the EMP hits her, pieces of armor seeming to jettisen off as she curls slightly in midair "Y...wanna play that way eh, guv? 'ere!" She swoops down at him like a crazed seagull, stabbing at him with her razored beak as she does so.

Blitz Crane misses Magnet Man with her Beak Spear attack.

Guts Man strikes Bradley Williams with his Super Toss attack.

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